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2 Students Dead, Others Wounded In School Shooting

The School Shooting problem continues in the united states as another 2 students have died while trying to get an education!!

Another 2 students have lost their lives in a school shooting in the U.S. The incident occurred today around 8 am in Santa Clarita California. One male student started shooting from a .45 caliber handgun about 20 minutes before school began.

According to interviews conducted by CNN. The Shooter pulled the weapon from his backpack and shot at least five people and then himself. Police have yet to identify a motive in the shooting, or the name of the shooter. However, rumors are circulating the shooter whose birthday was today, had made threats on social media.

The victim’s identities are still unknown as well,  except that one of the dead is a 16-year-old girl.  The other fatality was to a 14-year old Boy In videos from local news stations, students can be seen being evacuated from the school and others taking out on gurneys.2 Students Dead, Others Wounded-1

Saugus High school where the shooting occurred is about 30 minutes from Los Angelas. The school had a scare earlier this year when other students made post threatening school violence, however, police were able to stop that from happening. Even more, the school had safety measures in place in case of an incident like this. They even Regularly practiced drills, but as students shared it’s different in real-time. School shootings have become a big problem in the states in recent years.

There have been at least 30 shootings in schools this year.

In a lot of the cases assault weapons were used which caused a lot of discussion around banning the weapons. This incident at Saugus brings the issue back to the core, it’s not about assault weapons its weapons in general and how children view them. School should be viewed as a safe place for children to come and learn and grow.

However, for some children, it’s a place of torture and torment. Some of this is due to the capitalistic culture in which there are clear have’s and have nots. Another big part is the way violence is portrayed in media and other platforms. It’s not that every child is prone to violence because they see killings in video games and movies. Its that some children have traumatic experiences going on daily and a lack of support to properly deal with them.

It’s easy to jump to extreme conclusions like “ban all guns” or “arm the teachers”. Yet those measures take political involvement on so many levels that as time passes going through that process lives are still being lost. A simpler and more direct approach is to get to the source, the children.  People in this country need to do a better job as parents, as educators, as neighbors, etc of actually caring about the children and their needs. Teach your kids it’s not ok to bully, how to be sensitive to others, how to care. If we can do that we can raise a generation of people who take the time to get to know one another.

What do you guys think? will the latest shooting at Saugus actually spark change?

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