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    Angela Rye Turns 42, Illuminates Black Excellence In 2021

    Being a “true” leader in society is not for the light-hearted and requires unshakeable faith in oneself. They are a beacon of light during life’s darkest moments. Having the mental ability to balance emotion and create an effective winning strategy to empower people is rare.

    Understanding your purpose, power, and plan in life are essential ingredients for the leadership formula. Without a doubt, everyone is not built for this level of responsibility in life. Many are called, but only a few are chosen to lead people to the next level.

    Definition of Being Self-Made

    Angela Rye symbolizes the meaning of being “self-made” and “certified truth revealer.” Watching her speak truth to power on national platforms such as CNN creates a refreshing euphoria regarding humanity.

    Angela Rye fully understands the magnitude and impact of her voice in America. Fearlessly, she addresses taboo topics and never leaves an untrue stone unturned. Without a doubt,  only natural-born leaders can speak uncompromising truth amongst lions and lionesses in the jungle of free speech.

    This is 42

    Angela Rye’s resume includes being an award-winning host, social justice advocate, lawyer, TV analyst, and self-described “empowermenteur”.

    Listening to the “On One with Angela Rye” podcast, I smile because she’s living in her truth, and it resonates with people of all races. Angela Rye’s voice empowers people globally, and it’s a clear representation of flawless authenticity.

    Angela is CEO of IMPACT Strategies, a political advocacy and racial equity firm headquartered in Washington, DC. IMPACT Strategies creates strategic alliances and affiliations with Capitol Hill, third-party companies, and dynamic influencers to ensure societal change.

    Celebrating her life and blessings at 42 is inspirational. In addition to this, Angela Rye has dedicated her life to empowering, educating, and uplifting people.

    Highlighting her strength, grace, intelligence, and fearlessness is an honor. Angela Rye’s journey is just beginning, and her greatness will magnify 10x in 2022.

    Find Angela on Instagram.

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