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Jim Carrey’s Personality Helps Ariana Grande Deal With Depression

Ariana Grande is a special talent in the world of music. However, she’s being transparent regarding a struggle that many people tend to deal with.

 Ariana Grande Depression

Over the last two years, it seems as though Grande has been through ups and downs when it comes to relationships. The singer dealt with rapper Big Sean prior, and many see her as the pressing factor that ultimately ended Mac Miller‘s life. That type of pressure in the world of celebrities can provide immense pressure on an individual. That includes an assortment of depression.

“You should think of the term depressed as ‘deep rest’,” explains Carrey. “Your body needs to be depressed. It needs deep rest from the character that you’ve been trying to play.”

Luckily comedian and actor Jim Carrey have stepped in to help Ariana during her rough patch. For decades Carrey has single-handedly managed to put a smile on millions of people’s face. It’s no secret that Carrey has had some down moments in life, but has become an advocate for emotional wealth.

“Depression is your body saying, ‘I don’t want to be this character anymore’,” he once stated. “‘I don’t want to hold up this avatar that you’ve created in the world. It’s too much for me.”

After breaking off her engagement to Pete Davidson, her former lover even shared suicide threats. One of the great things is that Ariana is speaking out on a relevant issue that normal people go through on a daily basis. We pray that she continues on a path to get the proper help to fight the ongoing battle with depression.

Do you know people that deal with depression? Make sure that you check on people that tend to deal with it consistently.

Featured Image Credit: Billboard

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