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Beyonce Chunky Monkey Thickness!! We Love It!!

Beyonce is one of the greatest performers of our lifetime. There’s no doubt that Mrs. Carter will go down as perhaps one of the best to ever touch the mic.

Beyonce has not a care in the world when it comes to beauty or finances. The former Destiny’s Child lead singer has undoubtedly eminence talent when it comes to performing. When it comes to perfection, overall she is one of the closest especially with her beehive following. Now it seems as though Beyonce chunky monkey thickness is starting to show.

Coming off releasing music from the remake of “The Lion King”, she is the talk of the town. Just several weeks ago it was reported that the Grand Canyon was shut down for Queen Bey to shoot a music video. Apparently, people tourists were truly pissed off about the whole situation. Furthermore over the weekend “The Lion King” was top at the box office as expected. Now it seems as though people are focusing more visuals things.

Apparently, Beyonce has taken Rihanna’s route and is on the thick side. The Twitterverse claims that Beyonce is an official BBW.

Regardless of gaining a few pounds the singer still looks pretty good. Above all, Beyonce continues to dominate the world of entertainment, selling over 100 million records as a solo act, and another 60 million records through Destiny’s Child.

In conclusion, it’s nothing wrong with Queen Bey putting on some extra weight. How do you feel about Beyonce chunky monkey thickness?

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