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Brooklyn Nets Kevin Durant Quits On The Team During 2021 Playoffs

Brooklyn Nets star player Kevin Durant is alleged for quitting on his team during the 2021 NBA playoffs, reported Nico Martinez for Yardbarker. It all makes sense why Durant requested a trade earlier this offseason. While many sensed turmoil in Brooklyn; nobody would have ever thought one of the greatest players ever had already given up midway through the series. After three seasons with the Nets, Durant appears to give up on the squad; before allowing them an opportunity to succeed.

Durant’s former teammate, Mike James, went on the “Players Choice” podcast. He described in detail a situation where Durant called him prior to the playoffs starting and had doubts about his team winning. One would assume, Durant was sensing some real issues among the team and didn’t feel confident going into Boston to take on the number one team in the Eastern Conference. All in all, as frustrating as it may be, he was spot on with his prediction prior to the playoffs.

“[Kevin Durant] called me before the playoffs started, he’s like, ‘Yeah, I’m gonna be there [at your playoff game] in like a couple of weeks. We fitting to lose.'”

Kevin Durant’s Foreshadowing of the Nets’ Future

Is it possible that the distractions and drama of the Brooklyn Nets are all a part of their gimmick to help sell and generate more ticket sales? It may be far-fetched, however, the Nets are benefiting from the chaos one way or another. Durant most likely can’t say the same and possibly may be fed up.

“All of the drama has absolutely impacted the way free agents look at signing with the Nets,” as The Athletic’s Alex Schiffer explained in a Q&A. “How can it not? Would you go work for a company that has been in the news for all the wrong reasons lately? Would you have taken a job at Enron after the scandal came out years ago and the stock was worth pennies? I don’t think other front offices have minded the drama in Brooklyn. It just makes their sales pitch easier to free agents also considering the Nets.”

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