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    Dwayne Wade’s 12 Year Old Says Call Me Zaya, Not Zion

    Dwayne Wade recently shared that his 12-year-old child wants to be referred to “her and she” not him, and he!

    Dwayne Wade supports his 12-year old Kid that told him that she doesn’t identify as male. The elder Wade, who has defended his child multiple times from trolls online, again stood up for his child’s freedoms.

    While sitting down with Ellen, who herself is a member of the LGBTQ community. Wade opened up about a conversation he had with his 12-year-old.

    D-wade said one day, “Zion, a boy at birth, came home and said, ‘Hey, I want to talk to you guys. I’m ready to live my truth moving forward.'” The younger Wade continued,

    “And, I want to be referenced as she and her. I would love for you guys to call me Zaya.’

    D-Wade’s response was the definition of what it means to be a real parent and to love unconditionally— stating that he and his wife Gabrielle Union “take our roles and responsibilities as parents very seriously.” Something evident in how supportive they are of all their children. It is not uncommon to see Mr and Mr.s Wade sitting courtside at their eldest son’s Zaire basketball game. Even more, the couple has also attended pride in Miami with Zaya and supported her through other forms of advocacy. So it’s clear that the Wades enjoy their roles as parents and embrace the responsibility of developing loving and open-minded children.

    After the interview with Ellen went viral. Gabrielle Union took to Instagram to let Zaya speak for herself.

    In a Video, Zaya is discussing living “her truth” with her Dad. She shows that she is quite knowledgeable and comfortable in her skin at such a young age. Furthermore, she explains that she is growing up in an environment that encourages individuality and self-love. A credit to the excellent parenting job the Wades are doing.

    What do you guys think of Dwayne Wade’s support of his 12-year old Kid decision to self-identify? Is it too early for such determination, or is the time whenever the child is ready?

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