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Episode 3: What if…the world lost it’s mightiest heroes?

Marvel Series: Episode 3: What if…the world lost it’s mightiest heroes?

Marvel’s What If… animated series on Disney Plus reimagines the Marvel Universe. By reimagining noteworthy events in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the series creates a multiverse of infinite possibilities. As a result, the stories that Marvel has told before and that the viewer thinks they know is treated to a twist. Consequently, the twist changes the story and it’s events completely creating a fresh new take on old favorites. In the most recent episode, Marvel asks, “What if the world lost it’s mightiest heroes?”

In the latest episode in Marvel’s animated What if series, viewers get to see what a world without heroes looks like. Initially, Nick Fury attempts to recruit Earth’s Mightiest potential heroes in a week which ultimately goes as wrong as it could possibly go. Without further ado, here’s 10 things that happen in Episode 3 of Marvel’s What if…? 

<<<<< Spoilers ahead >>>>>

Episode 3: “What If… the Heroes Were Lost?”

A universe without its heroes looks like Nick Fury failing to launch the Avengers Initiative as his prospective heroes are getting targeted and killed. But why? One by one each hero meets their demise and at one point, Natasha is even set up and blamed but she is able to figure it out, in the end. Did you?

10 things that occur in Episode 3

Marvel asks, “What if the world lost its mightiest heroes?” Marvel’s What if series; via Buzzfeed
  1. First, Tony Stark dies of infection seemingly by Natasha’s hand.
  2. Now, Natasha arrested for Tony Stark’s death.
  3. Then, she escapes to get to the bottom of what is going on. Here, Natasha’s disguise is a callback to Edward Norton’s Bruce Banner disguise in Incredible Hulk.
Marvel asks
Marvel asks, “What if the world lost its mightiest heroes?” Marvel’s What if series; via Buzzfeed

4.  Next, as Thor is exiled to Earth, he is struck by an arrow. But, Hawkeye pleads he’s innocent.

Marvel asks, “What if the world lost its mightiest heroes?” Marvel’s What if series; via Buzzfeed

5.  Yet, Hawkeye is arrested for Thor’s murder and later found dead.

6. Most rewarding and surprising is that Loki is a leader. Here, he rules over Earth in an attempt to smoke out his brother’s killer. 

brother’s killer
Marvel asks, “What if the world lost its mightiest heroes?” Marvel’s What if series; via Buzzfeed

7. Further, Bruce Banner transitions after being shot to avoid death. But, as Hulk, he blows up. 

It all lies with Hope.

Finally, viewers get the reason why the heroes were targeted. Natasha leaves a message for Fury, who doesn’t pick up his phone, screaming, “Hope! It’s all about Hope!” Then, she too dies. 

8. Hank Pym targets the superheroes out of grief for his daughter who died as a result of a S.H.I.E.L.D. mission. As a result, for revenge, Pym targets all the heroes one by one. 

It all lies with Hope
Marvel asks, “What if the world lost its mightiest heroes?” Marvel’s What if series; via Buzzfeed

9. Hank Pym appears as YellowJacket

10. Ultimately, Loki conquers Earth. 

In conclusion

Finally, those are 10 things that occur in Episode 3 of Marvel’s What if series. Fortunately, there’s a lot packed into this one. So, this episode is worth a watch to go back and spot all the references from the movies and slight nods, easter eggs from the Marvel Universe. Thus, it is a real treat for fans. 


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