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Meet Wingzplayer: The Musician Ready To Rewrite Music History

Every artist has their own story explaining how they were motivated and got inspired by other artists or close relationships with people and they become who they are right now. This specific story is about none other than, WingzPlayr. A young, very talented hip hop artist who began writing and composing his catchy lyrics at the age of 10, but never experienced a professional recording studio until after his 19th birthday.

WingzPlayer was born and raised in the well known city of Detroit, Michigan, where the Grammy nominated Eminem was founded. Wingz also spent some time in the city of Waterford as a child and still some in his adult years. In Waterford, he gets to know new people and is where he met all of his new friends. As life is incomplete and also completely boring without having good people around us.

WingzPlayer worked as a graphic designer for an artist, for it was his first sight of his passion as he always had a keen interest in arts. So, he tried to do graphic designing but the day had come that he decided to start his singing career. He’s been writing and reciting songs for a good 10 years now. Lately, he became more passionate about his work, and to get better day by day he’s been traveling the world attending performances and meeting new music artists.

Covid-19 brought drastic and for some traumatic changes in everyone’s life but for Wingzplayer, he got more attached to the love and passion for his music. He was blessed to have enough time how to properly use and better understand his music at this particular time in life and let people know about his sound in poetry way of writing

After one week of his birthday, his mother died. Now his only reason to get more fame is to let people know about his inspiration which is his mother. With his music and words, he’s earning people’s love and winning over their respect and hearts.

He inspires people and asks them to do whatever they dream about without having second thoughts. Once he said that he gets inspirations thrown at Roddy Richh, Travis Scott, Big Sean, Future, and Lil Baby. Well, everyone gets their inspiration from someone else as it works like a kick in real life to do something we dream of. Wingzplayer lost one of the biggest Inspirations ever to have which was his mother and she would have been very proud of him.

His latest single “Pave A Way” did an incredible job and everyone is loving it. He’s working on more songs and we might get news about his current status since latest single and talk on new projects very soon.


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