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    Nicki Minaj Is Pregnant

    Nicki Minaj's husband, Kenneth Petty, arrested for failing to ...

    Nicki Minaj has been trending on the internet from her announcement she made on Instagram. Nicki Minaj married Kenneth Petty in 2019, so fans were not that surprised about her pregnancy announcement since many celebrities announce they are pregnant within a year of marriage. 

    Nicki Minaj’s Instagram post

    Nicki Minaj Is Pregnant

    On Monday, Nicki went on her social media to share a photo that her husband, Kenneth Perry, and she are expecting. 

    In this photo she is wearing a 2 piece bathing suit that has rhinestones all over it, she is sitting on what looks like a bed. Also, the photo shows a pregnancy bump, so it can be assumed that she is at least near the end of the 1st trimester. 

    On the Instagram post, she captioned it with the hashtag “#Preggers” followed by a yellow heart. 

    What does Nicki have to say about it? 

    Nicki has not spoken about her pregnancy besides the Instagram post. But in an interview with People Magazine last month she spoke about her married life saying the following: 

    “ When you have someone that feels like your soulmate or someone who understands you, it just makes you feel like you’re on top of the world,” 

    As her pregnancy continues she might update her fans and more details can come out. 

    What do you think of Nicki Minaj’s pregnancy announcement? 

    Let us know in the comment section. 

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