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Philadelphia Eagles Jason Kelce bleaches hair due to lost bet

Rule number one, never make a bet with someone more informed on the topic than you. All in all, that’s the biggest takeaway from Philadephia Eagles center Jason Kelce losing of the bet and the fact he’s blond now.

A few weeks before training camp, Kelce made bet with Pro-Bowl tight end Zach Ertz. Kelce bet Ertz that he wouldn’t be on the ream by week one of the season. If he was wrong, he’d dye his hair blonde. Turns out Kelce was dead wrong and walks around with a reminder of it every day.

“I thought he would be traded, that’s why I bet on it!” Kelce clarified.

Ertz being potentially dealt away isn’t as far-fetched as it sounds. In the offseason, many rumors were discussed rebuilding. If the Eagles began to rebuild this would call for dealing away some of their big-time players for draft picks in return or several big-time players.

“I think he might have been known at that point,” Kelce said, “which is why I’m sitting here with this hair.”

Fortunately, for Eagle fans, general manager Howie Roseman never went through with it. While the hair bleaching is extremely embarrassing Kelce refused to divulge what Ertz would have had to do in return if he lost the bet.

“My wife doesn’t like it,” Kelce admitted. “I don’t like the hair, but I’m glad I lost the bet.”

As the Eagles remain 1-0 Kelce will not change the hair. Kelce doesn’t have to keep the hair blonde all season but as long as the Philadelphia Eagles continue to win the hair will remain. The agreement specified he just had to dye his hair blonde with no duration.

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