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    Smurf G: HypeFresh Highlights Artist From L.O.U.D. Radio Junket

    Currently, Smurf G prides in investing in his dreams and taking chances—he is an Arkansas legend.

    Through his many shows, meetings, videos and interviews and time that has been invested, his consistency proves him to be a true rising star.

    Hype Fresh Highlights Smurf G

    Who is Smurf G?

    Smurf G: A rapper, a businessman, I just started my own brand of marijuana, getting ready to start business in Oklahoma next month. I’m a family man.

    Do you have any children?

    SG: Oh, yeah. I got four kids. Three girls and one boy.

    Tell us about your music

    SG: My music is pretty diverse, I rap about everything. I’m like a vibe rapper, whatever the vibe is, that’s what I’m doing to rap. Whatever I’m feeling. That pretty much explains my music.

    How long have you been rapping?

    SG: All together, maybe 10 or 11 years? I took a break.

    Are you looking to get signed to a record label or do want to remain an Indie artist?

    SG: I’m just trying to get to the money.

    What are your future endeavors as far as your rap career?

    SG: I’m just trying to get me and my team on, and maybe help out some other people if I can, you know. Bring more light to the state of Arkansas.

    What is your Instagram handle?

    SG: @smurfgmuzik

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