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T.I. Accused Of Holding Gun To Tiny’s Friend’s Head

T.I. Accused of Getting Hostile 

Rapper T.I. is in heat over some alleged past actions, in which he allegedly put a gun to her head. His wife Tiny’s friend Sabrina Peterson has some choice words for T.I. She took to Instagram to share her thoughts.

“As a woman and a black woman, the heartbreaking reality is this: Our society praises those who have harmed us. @troubleman31, you pointed a gun at my head in front of children, and I never involved the police. Yet, for years, you’ve portrayed me as the wrongdoer.”

Peterson added: [Please provide the continuation or additional text you want to be included here.]

As black women, it’s tough to heal from rape, violence, or any trauma when society blames us for what happened. Let’s normalize supporting black women’s healing process. It’s incredibly challenging to be a rape survivor and be blamed for the assault.

What Fueled Peterson’s Anger?

Sabrina Peterson appears to be upset by one of Tip’s recent Instagram posts in which he criticized Atlanta councilwoman Felicia Moore for trying to place restrictions on new recording studios. On Monday (January 25), Tip shared an old article dated January 18, 2017 stating Moore had received numerous noise complaints in her district and reports of too many cars parked in the area.

T.I. Swiftly Responded 

It wouldn’t be long before T.I. had a response. T.I. pettily clapped back on Instagram. He wrote:

“Excuse me Mrs @feliciamooreatl but …Our Culture Runs This Town Ma’am,” he captioned the post. “These studios (& the creatives that work in em) have laid foundation & paved ways to create opportunities for this city like nothing else could. Yeah we might get loud, no we not perfect, but we’ve contributed to this city’s culture & economic growth, consistently…for decades!!!

Tip’s comments did not end there. Moreover, he took credit for how well the culture and the Black community is flourishing in Atlanta.

“That’s right…Before the filming industry moved to town we’ve BEEN making an economic impact yet the film studios receive all the tax benefits, rebates & considerations.”

He continued: 

“And not just us rappers & artists… within the culture there’s a host of producers, engineers, art directors, event planners, club & studio designers, radio personalities, A&Rs, DJ’s , dancers, promoters, & club owners who’ve put ALL OUR HEART & SOUL into making this city what it is TODAY.”

It appears that T.I. isn’t interested in harboring the past. Instead, he has his eyes set on making a difference in the Black community in the future.

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