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    Texas Mass Shooting And The State of America

    Home Grown Terrorists

    Mass shootings have become tragically frequent in America. From Columbine to Sandy Hook, and beyond, we’ve witnessed devastating incidents that have left thousands dead and injured. We must address this alarming trend and work together to prevent further tragedies. Share your thoughts in the comments. Let’s make a change. Have a good day.


    Texas Mass Shooting And The State of America-1

    Where It All Started

    April 20th, 1999– Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris committed the atrocity that is known as the Columbine Shooting. The went into their High School in Littleton, Colorado and killed 13 people and injured another 20.

    April 16th, 2007– Seung Hui Cho initiated the Virginia Tech Mass Shooting, killing 32 people and leaving more a dozen injured. 27 of the victims were students and 5 were staff members. Cho later committed suicide after performing this atrocity.

    December 14th, 2012– Adam Lanza went into Sandy Hook Elementary and opened fired on students and staff. That day, Lanza murdered his mother, 20 students, and 6 staff members.


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