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Top 3 Comedies to Watch During Quarantine

What to Watch During Quarantine

Things are pretty odd at the moment. Being stuck at home and going through a similar routine can definitely get boring but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy yourself. That’s why I created a list of the top 3 comedies to watch during quartine.

The movies I’ve chosen all relate to the situation we are currently in right now in one way or another. Hopefully, they will be able to provide some fun and entertainment during these hectic times.

Top 3 Comedies to Watch Right Now

3. The Martian

I wouldn’t necessarily define The Martian as a comedy, but it definitely has some pretty funny moments. This is a Sci-fi/adventure film starring Matt Damon along with several other great actresses and actors. In the movie Damon’s character is an astronaut, who through a series of unfortunate events gets stranded alone on Mars.

Top 3 Comedies This Is the End Groundhog Day
via Robert Ebert

The reason I chose The Martian for this list is that it shows Damon coping with issues such as extended periods of isolation. It is weird being stuck at home for so long, especially for those by themselves. This movie definitely showcases a similar scenario in certain aspects and is well worth a watch.

2. This Is the End

If you haven’t seen this movie yet then you are in for a treat. This Is the End features a star-studded cast that makes for hilarious watch. The main characters include Seth Rogan, Danny McBride, Craig Robinson, and James Franco among others.

The beginning of the movie features a wild party at James Franco’s new house. There are celebrities scattered all over including Michael Cera acting a bit different than normal. Check out the video below to see some of Cera’s antics, heads up there is a spoiler alert at the end of the video.

After things go south the main group of friends finds themselves stuck at Franco’s new house. Even though they’re stuck inside having a close group of friends together makes for some hilarious times.

1. Groundhog Day

This is a fantastic film that features great writing and a standout performance by the legend Bill Murray. In Groundhog Day Murray’s character, Phil is a reporter covering, as the title so kindly points out, Groundhog Day. One is quick to take note of Murray’s negative attitude when it comes to his work and seemingly life in general.

Although Phil hoped to make a speedy return home, fate had something else in mind. Instead Murray’s character is forced to relive the same day over and over again. Groundhog Day is a solid and relatable comedy to watch right now. Life can feel repetitive when being stuck at home, and I feel this movie offers a helpful perspective on how to help deal with that in a positive way.

Final Thoughts

As long as you’re stuck inside you might as well have some fun. Dealing with quarantine can be annoying, but I belive these movies offer some funny/relatable content on dealing with the situation at hand.

What do you guys have to say though?

What’d you think of the movies I chose for my list of the top 3 comedies to watch during quarantine? Have you seen any of them before, if so what’d you think? And are there any other comedies or films out there that you think would be a good watch right now?

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