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Tv Show “Cops” Cancelled Due To George Floyd Protest

“Cops” is cancelled after getting backlash from George Floyd Protestors.

“Cops” and cancelled maybe trending together but sorry #defundthepolice folks, it’s not in the way you think. The long-running reality series got the ax today after over 30 years of making a mockery of criminals.

Tv shows like Cops and other live-action police shows are under fire following the murder of George Floyd. Protests have been going on since the day after the event and haven’t stopped since. Companies are feeling the pressure to align themselves with the more progressive way of thinking to pander to a younger market.  Even the NFL had to do a complete 360 in regards to social injustice, and now TV is being affected.

After initially pulling “cops” from the schedule last week, Paramount announced today the cancellation of the show.

“We have no plans to bring back ‘Cops’ on the Paramount Network.”

The announcement comes as all police-themed shows have fallen under scrutiny for the portrayal of African Americans. Paramount is not the only network succumbing to the pressure, A&E released a statement announcing a pause on it’s show Live PD

“We have decided not to air ‘Live PD’ this weekend out of respect for the families of George Floyd and other victims, in consultation with relevant departments, and with the safety of everyone involved in mind.”

It may be able easy to see the cancellation of such shows as a victory for advocates of social justice. However, such a victory has to fully analyzed to understand how we got to this point of change.

When companies willing to sacrifice money is the only time civil disobedience has achieved its goal. The fact companies like Paramount and the NFL are aligning themselves with BLM now has to raise red flags. Why now right? the NFL had Colin Kaepernick as an adversary from the time he started his protest. People have protested Cops and it’s the portrayal of African Americans for years yet it ran for over two decades.

After the world is opened back the question is will these companies still care? When everyone isn’t trapped in the house going stir crazy, will Black Lives Matter the way they do now?

What do you guys think about “Cops” being cancelled? Does it reflect a sign of true change to come?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

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