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Uncle Luke Gets Covid-19 From Partying With Friends

It’s basic common sense for people to stop partying in order to reduce the spread of the Covid-19. The president and government have made it mandatory for people to wear masks while outside and to stand six feet apart from each other. They especially will need to reframe from attending or hosting large gatherings. Unfortunately, most people nowadays don’t believe the virus is that big of a deal. Hip-Hop legend Uncle Luke, however, is one of those individuals who learned the hard way. Now the male emcee is telling fans how to stay safe and stop partying.

         Uncle Luke’s Friends Pressured Him Into Going Out

via XXL Mag

After a certain age, we become responsible for the choices we make. Uncle Luke, however, claims that his attendance at a party was due to “pre-pressure” from his friends. In an interview with Miami New Times, the rapper explains that a friend begged him to come his birthday bash at a local Gentlemen’s Club. Uncle Luke described the scene at the establishment as a “coronavirus-spreading chamber” as almost no one wore a mask. Additionally, everyone was wasted, and people were constantly asking him for selfies. At one point, the rapper even obliged to taking off his mask when asked to do so.

Making matters worse, Uncle Luke explained that while he promised to stay for 15 minutes, the rapper ended up partying several hours into the night. It’s surprising that the “I Wanna Rock” rapper, let himself get pre-pressured into partying with friends, especially having abided by CDC guidelines this entire time. He’s a grown man, shouldn’t he be able to make decisions for himself?

            Uncle Luke Tells Fans To Reframe From Partying

via American Urban Radio Networks

Shortly after attending his friend’s birthday bash, Uncle Luke started noticing key signs of the virus. The 59-year-old reported suffering from a “fever of 102 degrees” and that both his “PCR tests came back positive.” The doctors sent him home with orders to get full rest and the rapper did just that. In the end, Uncle Luke made a full recovery and shared his cautionary tale with fans. “If the establishment has too many people not following the protocols, don’t be afraid to go home and call it a night,” the legendary emcee told his followers. Partying with friends is dangerous these days.

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