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Venom Sequel Delayed Again Due to Covid Spikes

Venom Sequel Delayed Again Due to Covid Spikes

*Update: Venom given a closer October date in new update. Now, the film will be released on October 1st starting the month off strong.

Venom Sequel Delayed Again Due to Covid Spikes
New October 1st date

Venom sequel delayed again due to a rising number of Covid cases due to a new variant Delta strain. Yet again, Sony Pictures tries to get the timing right. Their goal is to ensure blockbuster success on the highly anticipated film. But, fans just want the release already. For months, fans been foaming at the mouth and salivating over the Carnage Simbiote getting its theatrical debut. Yet, there is no satisfying release.

But, timing is a fickle thing to lock down. And, both fans and Sony Pictures are left disappointed. unfortunately, the risk of Covid and the potential decline of movie goers in response threatens the release of Venom: Let there be carnage, the sequel starring Tom Hardy and Woody Harrison. Will this end up as a straight to dvd release or some sort of digital premiere? Increasingly, studio execs have been turning to streaming platforms and renting out their films at a premium to recoup potential losses. Disney has been guilty of marking up a same day release for a steep $30 in what is becoming the modern day pay-per-view event.

See below for Over 30 Easter Egg combined from the two trailers released for Venom: Let There Be Carnage..

Trailer One Easter Eggs | Trailer Two Easter Eggs

Delays, Delays, and more Delays

Frustratingly, Venom sequel delayed again amongst several times since the occurance of the Covid pandemic. Initially, the film, Venom: Let there be carnage had a release date September 24th. Now, as it stands, the film date has been changed to October 15th. Thus, competing with the dedicated cult following of the Halloween franchise.

Setting the Bar Too High?

But, are they setting themselves up for disaster either way? Every time Venom gets delayed, the greater are the expectations. Sony Pictures risks making the expectations something they may not be able to deliver on. Additionally, it also risks losing casual viewers who are frustrated with the delays. These viewers may choose not to watch the film in theaters and if at all. So, while timing is important, Sony pictures could be shooting themselves in their very stubborn foot.

Tony Vinciquerra Refuses to Release Film

Via Radiotimes,

“We won’t release a $200 million movie until theaters are fully open and operating at high capacity.”
-Sony Pictures Entertainment Chairman

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