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Vivica A. Fox Tells Joe Budden That Women Run The World

Beyonce knew just what she was doing after she produced her 2011 song “Run The World (Girls).” In fact, the song rings true today for many women around the world, especially those in the rap scene. Female rappers have been stepping up and taking over the game in the last few years. Houston rapper Megan Thee Stallion has especially been climbing the billboard charts and taking home awards right and left. 

While the Houston Hottie has become one of the biggest female rap stars today, she’s also the most controversial. Recently, court proceedings have begun following her 2021 assault where rapper Tory Lanez shot her in the foot. Fans and celebrities have weighed in on the matter, offering their two cents. The latest being Joe Budden whose commentary struck a nerve with some people, including Vivica A. Fox. The actress put Budden in his place and reminded him that women run the world. 

Joe Budden Claims Megan Thee Stallion Is The Bad Guy Here

There’s always two sides to a story in every court case. Megan Thee Stallion’s court case regarding her 2021 assault has everyone coming up with their own predictions and theories. Unfortunately, Joe Budden has no sympathy for the “Plan B” rapper whatsoever. In fact, he seemed to imply that the Grammy-winning emcee is the bad guy here. 

During a recent episode of his Joe Budden Podcast, the former rapper explained that Stallion has mistreated many of his close friends in the industry. “Personally, I’ve seen this woman do horrible things to some really great people that I have long standing relationships with here in this industry. So I’m biased, ” the rap star said. Apparently, Stallion and Joe Budden aren’t on good terms. She may be one of the most powerful women running the world, but she doesn’t have Budden’s vote. 

Women Run The World

Though, Budden’s commentary was met with swift criticism by actress Vivica A. Fox. On the latest episode of Fox’s Soul’s Cocktails With Queens, she came to Stallion’s defense by telling Budden that he needs to accept the fact that women are taking the world by storm. 

Additionally, Fox notes that Stallion deserves compassion and respect given all that she has suffered. Arguably, the Houston Hottie definitely deserves her flowers after remaining so strong throughout this difficult case. Thankfully, stars like Vivica A. Fox are in her corner.  


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