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8 Video Games Most Anticipated For 2020

Can 2020 become the year of the video game? Because it sure does look like it.

2020 is here and with an army of video games that will have us laughing, crying, addicted, and in aw. There will be a lot of games dropping this year, but only a few have fans excited. I can’t wait to see what this decade brings, but here are Hype-freshes top 8 most anticipated video games of 2020.

8. Nioh 2

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The original was an unforeseen hit in the gaming world. With difficult boss fights, beautiful graphics, and strategic combat, you can find yourself lost in this game. Nioh is a game series that takes pride in its severe difficulty, just like Bloodborne and Darksouls. Hence, there is no telling how hard the sequel will be. Even though the game is the next installment in the series, it will be a prequel.

In Nioh 2, you won’t play as the original protagonist, William. You will make your character to fight evil yokai, but the best part is that you can also transform into a yokai. Nioh 2 will bring more weapons and a more significant skill tree to upgrade your character. Fighting will still be the same as the original, and it will always be challenging. If you were a fan of the original, make sure to get the sequel/prequel coming to stores on March 13, 2020. Nioh 2 is a PlayStation 4 exclusive.

7. Marvel Avengers

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With the hype of Marvel comic movies who wouldn’t take advantage of being able to create a game based on our favorite comic film company. So, Squire Enix and Crystal Dynamics decided to join forces with Marvel and create an Avenger Video game. Avengers will be a 3rd person action-adventure featuring Avengers like Iron-man, Captain America, Hulk, Black Widow, Thor, Ant-man, and even some Avengers who haven’t made their theatrical premiere. There will not be any connection to any of the movie adventures. But it will have its own story that will allow players to control each Avenger throughout the game. There will be a co-op mission for players to manage the team and complete their tasks. Marvel Avengers is set to release September 4, 2020, on all platforms besides Nintendo. So get ready to have your friends assemble for this crazy adventure.

6. Resident Evil 3

8 Video Games Most

Remakes seem to be a new trend in video game culture. With the announcement of Final Fantasy 7 remake and Resident Evil 2: remake success. Therefore, Capcom decides to come out with another remake of a beloved Resident Evil game. The Resident Evil series had made billions from its games, movies, and merchandise, so it’s safe to say that this is Capcoms most beloved series.

Resident Evil 3 will allow the gamer to take control of Jill Valentine, while she and Carlos Oliveira try to escape Racoon City before she gets killed by Nemesis or blows up by a bomb. Each copy of RE3 will come with Resident Evil Resistance, which is a 1v4 (one vs. four) survival horror game, where the characters must escape a zombie-infested liar with traps all over.

Both Jill and Carlos have new looks that are way better than the original, and the gameplay of RE3 will be more action base. Players will still be running from Nemesis in this game while still evading zombies. There have been no further saying if something from the story will change, but I guess we will have to wait and see what happens next. Resident Evil 3 will be hitting stores for all systems (besides switch) on April 3, 2020.

5. Final Fantasy 7: Remake

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Continuing our list is another remake from another beloved game and series. Yes, people, I’m talking about Final Fantasy 7: Remake from Squire Enix. Though the game is the remake of the original, the developers did not want to make it to nostalgic. Unlike the original Final Fantasy 7, this will be real-time action like Final Fantasy 15, instead of a turn-based RPG. There will be a new voice cast for the characters. Clouds long time voice actor Steve Burton, who voices Cloud for 17 years in the USA, will not be in the remake. That hurts. The game is said to only focus on the escape of Midgar, but other games will come out later to continue the story that Final Fantasy fans love.

Final Fantasy 7:Remake was initially announced in 2015 and took five years to complete. Info is still being released for the game, but gamers can’t wait to take control of Cloud and his friends as they try to save the world from Shinra and Sephiroth. FF7: R was initially supposed to be released on March 3rd of 2020 but got delayed to April 10, 2020.

4. Ghost of Tsushima

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Ghost of Tsushima wow fans from its striking graphics to its shocking gameplay videos. The best thing about it is that this game is original and created by Sucker Punch. In Ghost of Tsushima, you play as Jin Sakai. You are one of the last surviving samurai who protects Tsushima Island from the first Mongral invasion in 1270s Japan. During your travels, you will recruit people to help you in your fight as well as develop a stealthy style of fighting called the way of the ghost. Maybe this is the origin story of ninjas, who knows.

So far, we know that GOT (Ghost of Tsushima) is a 3rd person action-adventure stealth game. GOT is also an open-world adventure and has side quest, just in case you don’t want to finish the main story to quickly. There is not yet an exact release date for Ghost of Tsushima, but it is said to be released in quarter 2(April-June) or quarter 3 (July-September) of 2020 as a PS4 exclusive.

3. Halo Infinite

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The Master Chief is due for a new game, and Halo Infinite is that game. Halo Infinite is the 6th game of the main Halo series. There is not that much news on the game yet. But what we do know is that there will be another Halo ring and forge mode is back. There is no release date, however. But the game will be released in 2020 as an X-Box One and PC exclusive.

2. The Last of Us: Part 2


The first game, The Last of Us, was a game that changed gaming for the better. It had a great story that made players think with their heads. It also had some excellent voice acting and scenes that put some movies to shame.

The next chapter of the series looks to be 10x’s better. The graphics are beautiful, the characters are better, and the gameplay seems to run smoother than ever. The story is said to take place five years after the original and is focus on hate. Admirers of the original game will not be displeased with the upcoming sequel.

In Last of Us: Part 2, you will not play as Joel. Instead, you will be playing as Ellie. Gameplay still looks the same the enemies AI are said to be smarter and harder, but don’t let that discourage you from buying (I know it won’t). The Last of Us: Part 2 is scheduled to be released on May 20, 2020, as a PS4 Exclusive.

1. CyberPunk 2077

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No, you won’t be able to play as Keanu Reeves, but that’s the only thing you can’t do. In this massive open-world, you can do anything. Cyberpunk 2077 allows humans with mechanical upgrades to take on dangerous missions with futuristic guns, fast cars, menacing robots, and other futuristic things. Did I mention that You can do anything? I mean it! In the 48 minute demo of the game, you control (male or female) the character and take on a mission from the government; who you can kill if you want to…while they are giving you the task, but it wouldn’t be a bad idea because they are way stronger then you.

Throughout the game, players can upgrade themself with mechanical modifiers to make your character stronger than anyone. During missions, you have many ways of completing them. You can negotiate, fight, or sneak your way through so you can achieve your goals. It’s too much to explain, so I’ll let you see with your own eyes in the gameplay trailer. This gameplay trailer came out in 2018, so it’s no telling what changes have been made now. But I can’t wait to find out. The game was supposed to release April 16, 2020, but got push back to September 17, 2020. It will be available to all platforms besides the switch.

2020 is sure to release more video games that will have us going crazy. So, the only thing we can do now is to wait and find out what will be the 2020 video game of the year.

If any game is missing, make sure to comment below and let us know. Also, check out the other articles on Hype-fresh about gaming.

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