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5 Natural Skin Care Tips for Women

Natural Skincare RemediesFor most women, beauty is undoubtedly a virtue. Women all over the world spend thousands on skin care to keep their features youthful and vibrant.

Aging is a woman’s worst fear as time passes on our biological clocks. One of the first person we see everyday is ourselves. The mirror is the sharer of all secrets, even if it’s something we don’t want to see, like signs of aging and acne scars.

Skin Care in Ancient Times

Skin care regimens date back to 6,000 years ago in Egypt where the first archaeological evidence of cosmetics were discovered, according to INB Medical.

In medieval times, Europeans, made ointments from animal fat to care for skin. Natural ingredients like herbs, aloe vera and cucumbers served as herbal remedies as well.

In ancient Greece, local, natural ingredients like fresh berries and milk combined together, used as a face mask.

In the Renaissance era, bread soaked in rose water cured puffy eyes, while herbs and honey rejuvenated skin.

Post Renaissance Skin Care

During the Baroque era in the 1700s, makeup was held high in regard and deemed to be more respectable.

In the 1800s, skincare products like Chapstick and baby powder were invented and still widely used today. Lemons served as skin lightening agents. Egg yolks, oatmeal and honey helped diminish blemishes and dark spots.

And, by 1900, brands like Estee Lauder, Ponds, Oil of Olay, and Clinique took shelves by storm.

However, there are natural remedies that work just as well, if not better than store bought solutions.

5 Natural Remedies For Healthy Skin

  1. Exfoliate – Exfoliating removes dirt and oil to prevent breakouts. Try using a cut lemon and sugar to naturally exfoliate.
  2. Stay hydrated – Water is the healer of all healers. Drink water for illuminating skin.
  3. Avoid acne-triggering foods  – Processed foods, sugar and dairy can all attribute to unhealthy skin.
  4. Get sleep! – Sleeping on a healthy schedule equals health skin.
  5. Use Vitamin C – Vitamin C promotes balanced pigmentation, says MGB Lifestyle.

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