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50 Cent speaks on Stevie J making a video rapping along to King Combs’ diss track

It all started when Stevie J, flexing his muscles in a bathroom mirror, posted a video of himself rapping along to King Combs’ diss track aimed at 50 Cent. King Combs, Diddy’s son, recently entered the fray, siding with his pops in the ongoing war of words.

50 shared Stevie J’s video captioned with laughing emojis, essentially ridiculing Stevie for the whole thing.

“HA HA HA why you make a video like this man, LOL, I can not wait to be in the same place with you guys, I know you don’t know about me”

he mentioned.

The entire exchange can be viewed as just the most recent piece of the difficulty between 50 Cent and Stevie J. Unfortunately for Stevie J, the dissension among them erupted previously this year when 50 Cent made a comment about the police attack at Diddy’s home. Stevie J was not happy with the comment and issued 50 Cent a fighting challenge to add fuel to the blaze. According to recent reports, Stevie J issued the fighting challenge after claiming that 50 Cent’s grudge was attributable to the fact that his ex, Daphne Joy, is currently dating Diddy.

Shortly before Stevie J’s bathroom mirror serenade, King Combs released his diss record, and, like last time, 50 Cent took to Twitter to mock Combs, and the song eventually got published. Therefore the message is: the bullets are blazing, and everybody’s taking aim. And Stevie J is likely to mean it literally.

This whole situation is a hilarious reminder of how social media can turn even the most intense feuds into popcorn-worthy entertainment. It’s also worth noting that in one of the lawsuits that Diddy is facing, it’s said that he used a tape of Stevie having sex with another man to groom other guys into doing the same thing, adding another layer of complexity to this already messy situation.

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