An egg—has captured the attention of collectors and auction-goers alike. A rare, perfectly spherical egg recently sold for over $500 at an auction in England, proving that nature’s quirks can sometimes turn into prized possessions.
Eggs are typically oval, making them easier to lay and less prone to rolling away in nests. However, occasionally, a hen produces an egg that defies nature’s usual blueprint. These rare, round eggs are considered a marvel, with some fetching impressive sums at auctions. Collectors, nature enthusiasts, and curious buyers often scramble to own such unusual finds, sometimes paying hundreds of dollars for them.
The most recent instance of this phenomenon unfolded in an English auction house, where a perfectly spherical egg sold for more than $500. The egg’s journey began at a farm in Devon, England, where Alison Greene, a seasoned egg handler, discovered it among the usual haul. With over three years of experience handling millions of eggs, Greene knew she had found something extraordinary.
“When you’ve worked with eggs as long as I have, you recognize when something isn’t quite normal, I picked it up, and it was just… round. I’d never seen anything like it.”
Greene said.
Recognizing the egg’s potential value, Greene carefully preserved it and decided to put it up for auction. Bidding quickly escalated as collectors and enthusiasts vied for the one-in-a-billion specimen, with the final hammer price surpassing $500.
This isn’t the first time a perfectly round egg has fetched a high price. In 2024, a woman in Essex, England, sold a similar egg for a record-setting $741 after an intense bidding war. That egg, laid by a Buff Orpington hen, was almost cooked before a friend noticed its rare shape and suggested listing it for sale. The owner, astounded by the response, donated the proceeds to charity.
In another case, an egg found in a supermarket carton in Scotland went through multiple hands before finally selling at auction for $250. The buyer, Ed Pownall, initially purchased it on a whim, only to later donate it to a charity auction, which raised funds for youth mental health programs.
So, what makes an egg perfectly round? Scientists believe that irregularities in a hen’s reproductive system can occasionally lead to spherical eggs. Usually, as an egg moves through the hen’s oviduct, natural pressure shapes it into the traditional oval form. However, in rare cases, this process is disrupted, resulting in an entirely round egg.
While these eggs pose no known health risks, their rarity makes them highly sought after. Experts estimate the chances of finding one to be incredibly slim—some say one in a billion—explaining why collectors are willing to pay a premium.
Many sellers have chosen to donate their earnings to charity, turning a rare natural oddity into an opportunity for giving. In Greene’s case, she plans to use the proceeds from the auction to support a local charity that helps struggling families in her community.
“It’s just an egg, but if it can make a difference in someone’s life, then it’s worth even more,”
She said.
Unusual natural finds have always fascinated people. From oddly shaped fruits and vegetables to rare gemstones, collectors will pay top dollar for nature’s rare surprises. The continued interest in round eggs suggests that this niche market is far from fading.