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Anti-Vaxxers Gather In D.C. To Protest Vaccine, Mask Mandates

Thousands of anti-vaxxers gather on Washington to march and protest vaccine and mask mandates on Sunday. America’s COVID crisis is surging as new converts are swaying on the fence. There are droves of conspiracy theorists who are denouncing the administration of COVID vaccines, although a large portion of these people are healthcare providers. Omicron, Covid’s latest, most prevalent mutation is sweeping the country by large numbers. The new strain is very contagious and there are statistics that prove the severity of this virus. Despite this, as of summer 2021, about 22% of Americans classify as anti-vaxxers, according to Furturity. It is now January and the list of anti-vaxxers continue to grow and outnumber those who are now considering the shot.

Danger Looms After Anti-Vaxxers Protest On Washington

According to VOA News, thousands gather at the base of the Washington Monument to march to the Lincoln Memorial. The protesters chant, “Make Love, Not Mandates” and “Coercion Is Not Choice” as they make way. Not only are there those marching to oppose vaccine mandates in the workplace, anti-maskers are marching too. On Jan. 13, the U.S Supreme Court blocked President Joe Biden’S proposal to orchestrate mandatory vaccinations. The proposal would also call for mask mandates.

Undoubtedly, although there are those who oppose the idea that COVID is real, numbers still continue to rise as winter temperatures plummet. On the contrary, sources indicate that Omicron will curve the pandemic, bringing the world closer to normalcy than ever. But for now, numbers are still on the rise in many states. In reality, with thousands gathering with no masks with most not being vaccinated, numbers are bound to skyrocket.

Liberation or Kamikaze?

America is undoubtedly the home of the free; however, COVID is bending the rules. Are citizen’s liberation putting the rest of the world at risk? There is no doubt that there will be an increase in confirmed cases, with the march on Washington being the culprit.


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