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Beto O’Rourke Speaks Facts By Calling Trump A White Nationalist

Trump A White Nationalist? Shocker!

Former congressman Beto O’Rourke had delivered forceful criticism of the president when a reporter asked him about Trump’s response to a mass shooting in his hometown of El Paso this weekend.
“We have a president right now who traffics in this hatred, who incites this violence, who calls Mexican immigrants rapists and criminals, calls asylum seekers animals and an infestation,” the Democratic presidential primary candidate told the crowd gathered at a Sunday vigil in the grieving Texas city.
Authorities are still investigating who the believed gunman is. They believe the suspected gunman wrote an anti-immigrant manifesto posted online before killing 22 people.
A reporter hit Beto O’Rourke with a question about whether Trump could do anything to “make this any better,” O’Rourke had strong words to say.
“What do you think?” O’Rourke shot back.
“You know the s— he’s been saying . . . I don’t know, like, members of the press, what the f—?”

O’Rourke urged reporters to “connect the dots” of Trump’s behavior. He reiterated his view: Trump not only tolerates racism and violence, but promotes it, he said.

“I just — I don’t know what kind of question that is,” he added.
The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
For clarification of the people, Beto O’Rourke Tweets:
“I stand by what I said,” O’Rourke tweeted early Monday morning.

Trump’s record speaks louder than the president’s latest criticism of the attacks.

They point to Trump’s handling of migrants at the border, telling minority lawmakers to “go back” to where they came from.

As well as his comments calling Latino immigration “an invasion of our country.”

There is even a video clip that circulated showing Trump smiling and joking after someone in a rally crowd suggests shooting immigrants to stop them from crossing the Mexican border.
“The president has not been shy, he’s not saying this behind closed doors,” O’Rourke said in an MSNBC interview posted to his Twitter Monday. “This is out in the open.”
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Featured Image: Politico


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