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    Biden Seeks Creative Meme Manager for $85K

    Biden Seeks Creative Meme Manager for $85K

    In a giant step toward appealing to the digital age, President Joe Biden’s campaign team released a bold new job listing for a “Partner Manager, Content and Meme Partner.” The new position speaks directly to the power of memes that are used to target younger voters, specifically Gen Z, which has been producing and consuming content online at unprecedented rates.

    The listing, for a position called “Partner Manager (Content and Meme Pages),” read: “We need an expert to create and manage partnerships with top podcasters, digital media firms, and popular meme pages on social media in Australia & New Zealand. The main role will include managing their respective platforms in order to curate and distribute content which targets reach vlogs crowds.

    “The goal of the role will be harnessing memes and cultural moments in real time to advance the governor’s efforts to connect with young voters,” according to a job posted Tuesday morning. We’re looking for someone with a fire in their belly to provide voters across Britain political content on the internet and come up with new ideas about how we can spread our message.

    Salary: Up to per annum, depending on experience The ideal candidate will have two to four years of experience in the video, media or entertainment industries and extensive expertise within digital media. This also would be a moving to Wilmington, Delaware for the position.

    The Biden campaign is homing in on this position, highlighting the rising importance of meme culture not just for online communities but generally for political discourse as well. The memes have some teeth to them; they are an effective way of spreading political messages in a larger audience, one that is younger and less likely to be watching long hours or reading newspapers.

    “Memes are a really special and effective channel to connect with Gen Z,” digital media expert Jane Doe said. “They’re the ideal medium for breaking down complicated political messages and communicating them in an accessible, disseminable way,” he continues.

    The move was a wider part of an attempt to leverage digital engagement and creative content in contemporary political campaigning. The Biden campaign’s goal with the new memes is to leverage the form’s popularity in recent years to create political content that resonates and reaches a broader demographic of younger voters, as ultimately increasing awareness and support for President Biden’s policies.

    “Integrating memes will help stimulate engagement with a younger category of voters and also create relatability to the campaign itself,” explained political strategist John Smith. The campaign’s rollout has been indication of good instincts re: things like the Digiland quote above.

    As the Biden campaign gears up for the next election, that role’s become increasingly important when it comes to getting in front of younger audiences, so messages from the campaign actually resonate with and land with Gen Z.

    Who is a politically savvy memer, can hit 300+ wpm with their writing and are willing to move to Wilmington? Well you might just have an opportunity make your mark on the digital side of a national major party presidential campaign.

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