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    Billionaire TikToker Drops Bombshell Election Predictions! Will They Come True?

    In a stunning bizarre development, billionaire Jeff Yass co-founder of Susquehanna International Group (SIG) and richest man in Pennsylvania with personal fortune to be $47 billion have made some shockingly unusual predictions and actions about the 2024 US Presidential Election. The poker-playing Yass, known for his $21 billion stake in TikTok, has a history of making big returns on big bets.

    Yass had given millions of dollars to political organizations, particularly the antitax advocacy group Club for Growth. But the business community is rife with the speculation that if his forecast winner, Donald Trump, wins next month, Yass could figure in the President-elect’s cabinet. For Yass, it would be a shocking turn of events after he criticized Trump in the past.

    That Trump has won the backing of a billionaire for some reason surprises some who were familiar with his views in the past. One time Yass said,

    “It’s not like you can rattle him whatsoever. You can only say, “you gon get whooped and embarrassed.” All of this reflects the equally mercurial nature of political support.

    Yass, whose professional journey began at SUNY Binghamton where he studied economics and math and wrote his thesis on the ethics of options trading. During college, he also engaged in poker and backgammon. Lewitinn would go on to co-found SIG with his college pals Steve Bloom, Eric Brooks, Andrew Frost, and Joel Greenberg into a $67 billion tech empire.

    Some of SIG’s strategic investments such as its 15 percent stake in Chinese company Byte Dance, which owns TikTok have made an enormous influence on the tech world and beyond. This investment has established SIG as a tech giant at the global level.

    Lean Yass: Trump Bias couldn’t drive a wedge between the president and TikTok like it did Twitch, apparently. Digital World Acquisition Corporation a stock connected with the former president which jumped 30 percent in March. The stock rally boosted Trump’s net worth to $6.5 billion, which is finally enough to get him on Bloomberg’s list of the 500 richest people in the world for the first time. With this fiscal boon, Trump switched gears on TikTok banning have claimed that if it’s banned, Facebook will be more up to SCRATCH because the latter is “the enemies of the people. Of course, some of this was helped by Yass.

    The libertarian viewpoint of Yass has been a flashpoint of contention. He has been a donor supporting politicians who would like to see less government in the taxes, trading, education and gaming. His backing of the Trump administration, in particular, has been noteworthy and controversial.

    Yass missed the Club for Growth’s annual economic retreat earlier that year in 2023 because the organization, which sought to avoid being viewed as a front for the former president, shunned Yass after he backed Trump. But, Trump suggested in a statement that there could be peace between him and the Club for Growth, given his face time with Yass at one of their events was followed by sayonara to his threatened TikTok ban.

    Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung said, ”There were no discussions of who would serve in a second Trump administration.” That leaves a very uncertain but interesting future political landscape Bitz Back in City Hall How Successful?

    Jeff Yass’s foray into the 2024 presidential election and the way he did it may well be the least of his of bad judgments or, conversely, yard gain in terms of power and wealth influencing politics today.

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