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    Booking Agents Threaten to Sue Tekashi for Everything He’s Got

    Tekashi is a sitting duck as he awaits his bail hearing on Wednesday. After an interview on “The Breakfast Club,” where he slammed his former booking agents, the booking agents, in return, are threatening to sue the pants off of him.

    MTA Booking is suing the rapper for not just defamation of character, but they also want their money back…ASAP.

    Apparently, Tekashi owes them up to $860,000 for shows he likely won’t be able to attend, now that he’s in trouble with the FEDs. MTA claims that they gave the rapper close to a million dollars to perform at upcoming shows in the U.S., Mexico, and Germany. That same money,  is what they claim he’s offering as collateral to bail him out of prison.

    The company is not having that. They’re working with a legal team to prevent Tekashi from using the money to save his own ass.

    MTA also claims they’ve been receiving death threats since the rapper appeared on the morning show.

    Things aren’t looking for 6ix9ine.


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