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Chewing Gum: Season 2 Is Back!

The wait is finally over, Chewing Gum fans! The British comedy is making its way back to Netflix…As. Of. Today. Yes, today!

If you aren’t familiar with the series, don’t you even think about diving into Season 2 just yet. The week has only just begun and there’s a good chance you don’t have a single lick of time on your hands to binge-watch the first season. But never fear, I am here to give you a quick lowdown; one that you can successfully squeeze in during your next lunch break.

Chewing Gum (previously known as Chewing Gum Dreams) was originally a one-woman show by writer and comedian Michaela Coel for her senior project at Guildhall School of Music and Drama. The story initially focused on a 14-year-old named Tracey, but once UK-wide television channel Channel 4 picked the series, the narrative changed its protagonist to a 24-year-old virgin in East London trying to break away from the restraints of her religion, explore and experience all the things life has to offer her.

Chewing Gum | What to Expect From Season 1

The first season was a huge hit on British TV in 2015 and eventually blessed American entertainment with its presence when the series cut a deal with Netflix and premiered in October of last year. I think the major reason for its success is because people naturally fell in love with Tracey and her story.

Chewing Gum has this edge to it, unapologetically unafraid to touch on subjects that are often unrepresented in mainstream television, such as: the importance of women exploring their sexuality and colorism.

We haven’t seen a show yet that truly gave black women variety in roles. Black women are often painted in the same light: promiscuous, unfriendly, and only desirable when they have lighter skin and European features.

Tracey is a virgin. She’s down-to-earth. She’s dark-skinned with a wider nose and fuller lips. She doesn’t fit the typical mold set by society and that only makes her even more stunning.

You may not be a woman, nor a virgin, but here’s the special thing about Chewing Gum. The storyline has many layers to it, which allows any viewer to resonate and relate to it in some way, whether it’s to a specific person or situation. The show addresses it all: stereotypes of living in the projects, interracial dating, experiences growing up in a West African-Christian household, rivalry between siblings…you name it. Chewing Gum is changing the game right now and we are here for it.

For those who didn’t ignore Netflix when they suggested Chewing Gum to them last year, Season 2 looks like it won’t disappoint. If you haven’t already, check out the trailer for it below:

Chewing Gum | Brand New Series | Thursday 12th January 10pm | E4

Start your binge now! 

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