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Coldplay Concert Fans See Fireworks as Heart-Shaped with Unique Glasses

The excesses of the continuing Music of the Spheres world tour by Coldplay have been blowing the minds of people who are attending it and getting a rather unique, unforgettable experience. Then there are fireworks which the special glasses turn into heart-shaped bursts, thus putting up quite a visual spectacle for fans.

Combined with Coldplay music, which already has so much emotion in it, are the fireworks lit up in the sky during performance, which gives through these glasses an illusion of heart explosions. So right at the entrance of every concert, each and every one who walks in gets a pair of their specially designed glasses.

However, that’s not all. Coldplay offers each one of its fans LED wristbands to wear, which pulse and change color in rhythmic concert with the music, creating light-up waves that resonate to a tee throughout the whole arena. Taking into consideration the heart-display fireworks, these wristbands, and various other visual effects turn a stadium into a colorful and festive space, where people are united by love and happiness.

While Coldplay’s Music of the Spheres tour is heavy on visuals, this isn’t a light and color show. This band has been credited with being some of the most hardcore environmentalists in their degree of commitment to seeing that their performances result in a very minimal amount of carbon released into the atmosphere. This commitment to health for the planet, plus using music and technology in new ways, has made this touring act such a huge success that cities all around the world have sold out their venues.

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