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Controversial Photo Of Ben Carson Sparks Outrage

After what can only be describe as a Democratic disaster at the Iowa caucus. Further splitting the party. In response the Republican party released a photo.

Within the photo all of the Republican members wore keep Iowa great hats.

However it wasn’t the hats that stood out. a few notable things stood out.

The fact that Ben Carson was the only person squatting. Drew attention to the fact the republican party has very few minorities.

The photo was proof of what many blacks have said. “The Republican party lacks diversity“.

The photo immediately sparked outrage from scholars, athletes and entertainers.

Many are questioning the timing of the photo. As today is the 107 birthday of civil rights legend Rosa Parks.

Parks refused to give her seat up to a white man on an Alabama bus.

As black history month kicks off  many wonder what Ben Carson was thinking. What was the purpose of the photo?

Where is the diversity?

For many within the black community the lack of diversity within the Republican party is troubling.

Especially with the words of Donald Trump. When speaking on minorities Trump has used harsh words.

Furthermore Republican politicians such as Steve King, Mark Meadows and Steve Scalise all have made off the cuff remarks about African Americans and minorities.

Meanwhile, the nation awaits the presidents state of the union address this evening.

Which the Democrats are planing to boycott. As they are in the middle of an impeachment trial many say they will lose.

While the America waits for an explanation on the meaning of the photo.

Some Republicans say it was to celebrate black history month. As Ben Carson is a talented black doctor.

However many blacks are asking, how can the republican party which is 98% white represent the values and ideas of black people?

How can the Republican party shake the label of being the party of white power?

Furthermore with so much division in the country. Why would the Republicans further the conversation with such a photo?

Do you think the Republicans are straining race relations?

Do you think the photo meant to be in celebration of black history?

let us know your opinion in the comments.

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