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Dave Chappelle Controversy Leads To Netflix Employee Being Fired

Dave Chapelle is blooming from under the concrete wiles of the LBGT-Q cancel culture. The resilient comedian viciously smiles in response and of course, makes jokes about it. To live in a society where one must watch and pray before saying anything publicly, is to prepared for the great wrath.

Should Netflix cancel Dave Chapelle? That’s a very obvious question to answer. All but some would answer yes, being that mostly consists of the LGBTQ community. So who ultimately decides cancellations?

The Cancel Culture Commissioners

The object of cancelling is a sure way to exploit a person, mainly a public-figure via social media. Social media is a worldwide tool that allows visibility in real time—entertainment, news, sports and communications.

For example, British author J.K Rowling. Rowling is a nortorious victim of cancel culture according to Vox. The Harry Potter author faced backlash even from her own fans in regards to her transphobic beliefs. Despite her cancelling, the release of her new book in 2020, sales rocketed.

According to the Pew Research Center, the ‘cancel culture’ derived from a proportionally ambiguous term, ‘slang’, in the lyrics of song in the 80s. Pulp Classic New Jack City, Nino’s cancelled someone every chance he got, which meant he broke up with numerous people.

Is the culture holding wrongdoers accountable or are they miserably eroused by ending someone’s career over boredom and envy?

Dave Is Doing The Canceling

In the meantime, cancel culture tries to reduce Chappelle’s truths to harmful or hate related verbal gestures, he admits, they are only jokes. However, the LBGTQ crew is not having it. Members of the rainbow community are shoveling their way to taking him all the way down.

As a result of the stir they caused, Netflix fired an employee as they learned that the employee shared confidential, in-house information. The information released in an article in The Verge, explained that The Closer and “Squid Game” costed 24.1 million to produce, according to CNN Business.

All in all, Dave Chappelle made it clear that he is here to stay.

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