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    Demi Lovato Joins Forces with Governor Newsom for a Big Coogan Law Update

    Demi Lovato is a multi-talented singer, songwriter, and advocate who has continuously used her platform to create change. This time, she teams up with California Governor Gavin Newsom for an amendment to the Coogan Law, an essential piece of legislation that protects child entertainer earnings.

    She continues to create positive change by teaming up with California Governor Gavin Newsom to apply pressure for an amendment to the Coogan Law, a critical piece of legislation to protect child entertainers’ earnings. Named after child actor Jackie Coogan, the Coogan Law protects all child influencers and content creators in today’s evolving entertainment landscape.

    This first came into being to protect earnings for child actors, but now it is being rewritten to adjust to the new particularities child influencers and content creators have to face. So far, the announcement was made on Thursday, September 26, 2024, representing another vital step forward in child welfare in show business.

    The Coogan Law, enacted in 2016 and named after the famous child star Jackie Coogan, has come into great play regarding earnings set aside in trust until they reach adulthood.“I have read about and faced many a time the struggles most young artists go through,” she said. This law is giving them the security that they fully deserve.

    The new bills signed into law, including SB 764 and California Assembly Bill 1880, extend those protections to child influencers- those young creators who make money on YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram. Under these new regulations, at least 15% of the earnings a child influencer makes must be deposited into a trust account for them. As they build their careers, their well-earned money will be there, waiting for them to become adults.

    Commenting on the necessity of this update, Newsom said, “As the digital world changes, so too must our laws. We must ensure that our youth are protected and their futures secured.” The legislation requires not just fiscal protections but also promotes transparency in the disclosure of platform earnings of minors. It is an excellent movement for accountability within an industry that has avoided much scrutiny up until now.

    Demi Lovato‘s involvement in this initiative is more than a celebrity endorsement. She has been quite vocal on child welfare and mental health issues, discussing pressurized performances placed on young talents through her platform over the years. Via social media and public appearances, Lovato now raises awareness of the need for financial protection and mental health resources for young entertainers. “It’s not just about the money,” she said. It is about creating an enabling environment where children can develop their creative and emotional potential.

    Through her advocacy, Lovato usually shares touching personal experiences from her early days in the industry. She remembered some of the fights she put up and how important it was for her to have supportive adults around her. “I want young creators to know that they aren’t alone,” she said. We’re fighting for their rights, and we’re here to support them.”

    The revised Coogan Law also focuses on parental supervision. Parents and guardians, through their leadership role, ensure that the finances are handled with the best interest of the child in mind. This has been done to help prevent exploitation through the regulation of contracts involving minors, ensuring fairness and equitability.

    This comes with educative parents’ resources to help them understand their rights and responsibilities regarding their children’s presence or making money on the web. This proactive approach is of actual use in a landscape where many parents may need to be made aware of the potential pitfalls in the digital world.

    However, Lovato’s collaboration with Governor Newsom is only one of many ways artists use their influence for good. Shedding light on these issues inspires others to raise their voices for change. “We have a responsibility to protect the next generation of artists,” she concluded.

    With such new laws, California sets the bar for child welfare in the entertainment industry. The ever-evolving digital world entails that this updated Coogan Law be a testimony to the protection young creators need and deserve. Because of voices like Demi Lovato and lawmakers’ efforts to change it, the future looks brighter for child influencers and performers everywhere.

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