Channing Nicole Larry, known professionally as Enchanting, who was born on October 9, 1998, in Hanau, Germany. She spent her entire childhood in Fort Worth, Texas, as her family moved there early after she came to the United States, where her father was stationed in the US Army. She became well-known through hit tracks such as “No Luv,” “Track & Field,” and “Issa Photoshoot.” Enchanting initially began recording music with an R&B feel and later transitioned into rap under Gucci Mane’s 1017 Record Label. She is estimated to have made between $500,000 and $1 million through her music career.
Enchanting was hospitalized with an overdose of drugs and was immediately delivered to intensive care. Life support was turned on probably in an already somewhat complicated case since the state was constantly deteriorating, which required the use of life support, likely turned on for about twenty-four hours. At twenty-four hours of surviving on life support, it is rather unfortunate that Enchanting bid us goodbye on June 11, 2024.
Allegedly, she died after being hit by a drug overdose. A management source said that Enchanting had struggled with the drug withdrawals for several days before allowing herself to be taken to the hospital.
After her death, some fans even went on to blame Gucci Mane, asking why he didn’t do more to help his former artist. They pointed out a pattern of artists signed by Gucci meeting unfortunate fates such as death or incarceration. However, Gucci Mane‘s wife, Keyshia Ka’Oir, defended her husband and exclaimed, saying,
“Leave my husband alone! He signs these artists to help them & give them a better life! I wish it weren’t like this! Chant we love you baby girl! RIH “.
Enchanting was a bright rap talent who had already discovered fame long before her tragic, untimely demise. Therefore, majorly contentious were issues on how she was gotten to the hospital and a whole lot of other things surrounding her death—but, of course, one thing many revisit is her legacy in music.