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EXPOSED: Ricky Schroder Unveils Demonic Cults Infiltrating Hollywood and Government

Ricky Schroder was once a child star and has already won a Golden Globe for acting in the 1979 movie “The Champ.” He recently revealed shocking information about dark cult activities in Hollywood and the government. In an interview with our reporter, Schroder described a disturbing ritual he witnessed. The ritual involved figures wearing hoods and robes, a body, and a knife. The ritual had Satanic undertones.

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Schroder said he was invited to a private party at a secluded mansion in the Hollywood Hills by a friend who was a prominent producer. He thought it was a regular social gathering but soon realized he had entered a nightmare. He described seeing a large room with a pentagram on the floor, candles, and a black altar. On the altar, there was a body covered with a cloth. He said he recognized some people in the room as famous actors, directors, and musicians. They were all wearing hoods and robes and chanting in a strange language.

He said he felt a sense of dread and tried to leave but was stopped by two men who told him he had to stay and watch. They said it was a special ceremony that would grant him more fame and fortune. He said he refused and tried to fight them off, but they overpowered him and dragged him to the front of the room. He said he saw the leader of the group, who he identified as a well-known celebrity, pull out a knife and stab the body on the altar. He said he heard a scream and saw blood spurt out. He said he was terrified and fainted.

He said he woke up in a hospital bed with no memory of what happened after he passed out. He said he was told he had a nervous breakdown and was given medication. He said he tried to tell the police and the media what he saw, but no one believed him. He said he was threatened and blackmailed by the cult members, who told him to keep quiet or face the consequences. He said he lived in fear for years until he decided to come forward and expose the truth.

Schroder said he saw a cult. He thinks it’s part of a more extensive network of demonic groups. Schroder believes powerful and influential people are in the cult. The cult might be connected to the Illuminati, a secret society that wants to control the world. He said he had evidence to support his claims but refused to reveal it for safety.

Schroder’s allegations have sparked a heated debate among the public and the media. Some have praised him for his courage and honesty, while others have dismissed him as a delusional and attention-seeking has-been. Some have compared him to other actors who have made similar accusations in the past, such as Mel Gibson and Keanu Reeves.

The term “Hollywood elites” is often used in conspiracy theories to describe wealthy and influential people in the entertainment industry. These people are accused of having a hidden agenda and committing terrible acts, like abusing and killing children and drinking their blood. However, experts and authorities have disproven these accusations. They have pointed out the lack of evidence and the logical problems in these conspiracy theories.

Some people believe in conspiracy theories. They think that government officials are part of demonic cults that control national and global politics. One example is QAnon. They believe in a secret war between satanic pedophiles led by former US President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and patriots led by former US President Donald Trump. QAnon followers make false claims about satanic forces being behind events like the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 US presidential election, and also the storming of the US Capitol, which occurred on January 6, 2021.

These conspiracy theories have created an atmosphere of mystery and intrigue among some segments of the population, who are drawn to the idea of a hidden reality behind the apparent one. However, they have also caused serious harm and danger, as some of their adherents have resorted to violence and extremism in the name of their beliefs.

Many experts and observers have warned about the dangers of these conspiracy theories and urged the public to be more critical and rational in their information consumption.

Schroder’s revelations have fueled conspiracy theories. They have raised questions and doubts about demonic cults in Hollywood and government circles. Whether his claims are true or false, they have captured the attention of many people. They have opened a box of secrets and scandals that may never be closed.

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