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Fall Equinox: Ways To Boost Immunity For Fall 2021

ImmunityIt is the time for semi-ugly sweaters and Halloween reruns as fall creeps its way in with cooler temperates. The season brings warmth and comfort as families gather for traditional meals and cherished memories. However, Covid has rearranged family gatherings indefinitely. Building immunity for fall will help keep families safe and guarded.

Safety First

Keeping family and loved ones safe during these perilous times is paramount. There are ways to help prevent the spread of COVID, and ways to build immunity holistically to keep family gatherings safe as possible.

According to Statistica, as of September 12, 2021 there has been over 40.9 million Covid cases in the United States since its debut in 2019.

To help prevent the spread of Covid, The CDC recommends getting the vaccine as it’s proven to be effective. Wearing masks indoors and faithfully washing hands shows to be highly effective as well. Those who are fully vaccinated are still encouraged to wear a mask in public areas where cases are high in number.

A Holistic Approach

More and more people are turning to holistic ways of building immunity for the changing of the seasons.

The number one rule to any prevention of illness is water.

According to Culligan Water, dehydration makes to body more susceptible to germs.

According to a Culligan physician, water plays a vital role in transporting immune system nutrients and removing waste from our organs, which are byproducts of our daily metabolism as we convert food into energy.

Pumpkins are the highlight of the fall season. Not only are they fun to carve, they provide vitamins A, C and E as well as potassium and fiber.

Exercise, whether in a gym or outside on the pavement, helps burn calories and fight off illness.

Healthy food options encourage immense immunity. Consuming foods like fresh fruit, hard boiled eggs, veggies and hummus all contribute to staying healthy.

According to U.S News, there are a plethora of fall foods that contribute to wellness and immunity. Beets, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, eggplant, squash, etc., are superfoods that provide rich nutrients our bodies need for sufficient immunity.

Happy Early Holidays!

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