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    ‘Fate/Grand Order’Most Talked About Game On Twitter

    Twitter’s blog released a top 10 list of games that were most talked about on Twitter in 2019. The number one most talked about game on Twitter in 2019 went to a 2015 Japanese game called ‘Fate/Grand Order.’

    ‘Fate/Grand Order’ is a free-to-play RPG mobile game that was released in late July of 2015 in Japan and later released in the United States and Canada in mid-April of 2017. However, this might help explain how the game became number one as the most talked about game on Twitter in 2019.

    Twitter’s blog noted the stats about gaming. The blog had shown that there were 1.2 billion tweets about gaming. Twitter’s blog had shown the 10 most talked-about games in 2019 in order of the 1.2 billion gaming tweets.

    Though there were 1.2 billion gaming tweets, ‘Fortnite’ might seem to fit the number one slot due to chapter 2 of the game coming out in 2019. However, ‘Fate/Grand Order’ came along with more people talking about the game and took the number one slot.

    Furthermore, being the most talked-about game on Twitter in 2019 should not be the only thing the creators of this game should look at. The creators could look to bring ‘Fate/Grand Order’ onto other consoles such as Xbox and Playstation, this could allow the game to gain new players. Moreover, ringing ‘Fate/Grand Order’ on new consoles could make the game be the number one in 2020.

    Below is the list of the 10 most talked-about games on Twitter in 2019:

    1. Fate/Grand Order
    2. Fortnite
    3. Final Fantasy
    4. Identity V
    5. Grandblue Fantasy
    6. Ensemble Stars
    7. Monster Strike
    8. PlayerUnknown’s Battleground
    9. Minecraft
    10. Super Smash Bros.

    ‘Fate/Grand Order’ is the number one talked about game on Twitter in 2019, who knows what will be the number one in 2020.

    Lastly, with the top 10 most talked-about games on Twitter in 2019, there are other such categories as well. These include the top 10 most talked-about esports teams and the top 10 countries tweeting the most about gaming.

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