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Facebook and Twitter Bans: 5 Countries That Ban Both Platforms

Facook CEO, Mark ZuckerburgFacebook and Twitter allows us to keep up with the latest news, pay bills and navigate the world.

Social media is a broad source for entertainment and business endeavors. It is one of the most popular applications on any smartphone. However, some countries actively ban platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

How Social Media Works

Although social media is fun to use, it is a distracting addiction. Our social media platforms greet us first thing in the mornings. Like clockwork, millions awake to notifications from little blue apps.

On the contrary, social media platforms connect people from all over the world. Twitter allows the absolute freedom of speech while Facebook carries its own drama.

From gossip to political beliefs, social media is the ultimate entertainment and news source. Facebook founder, Mark Zukerburg rakes in millions every year, including stock market equity.

Dangers Of Social Media

As fun and inviting as social media may be, the downsides carries just as much weight.

According to Effectively, when it comes to emotional wellbeing, social media can influence negative triggers like anxiety, depression, loneliness and lower self esteem.

Furthermore, social media addiction exists among those who commonly seek validation from the opinions of strangers.

Back To Unpopular Political Beliefs

Politics rule nations, when there are qualms with people and political power, there are consequences. Some foreign countries actively ban Facebook and Twitter due to the liberal politics in America.

Five Countries That Block Social Media Platforms

  1. China – The Communist Party controlled the Internet, blocking Facebook in 2009, according to Free Browser Link.
  2. Nigeria – Africa’s most populous country banned Twitter in 2021, according to Forbes.
  3. Iran – According to HMA, only the President owns a Twitter account.
  4. North Korea – Kwangmyong, the country’s intranet system only pumps out governmental propaganda.
  5. Syria – According to Comparitec, pornography and social media sources are banned.

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