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Flavor Flav Loves Cleveland

Many celebrities have their top list of cities they love to often visit during their free time. Recently, Flavor Flav took to social media to let fans know that he loves Cleveland, OH . While the city doesn’t exactly scream “best vacation spot”, Flavor Flav loves it either way. In fact, the legendary emcee and hype man even recalled all the good times he had in the city. Clearly, Cleveland holds nostalgic value for the rap star.

The Rapper Can’t Get Enough Of The Cleveland People

via Reuters

Not too many good things can be said about the city of Cleveland, OH. Some will argue that it has historical charm and a decent art scene, but that’s pretty much where the praise ends. Though, when News 5’s Rob Powers asked Flavor Flav what he loves most about Cleveland , he simply stated “the people.” During Flav’s interview, he explained that he used to perform at an old timey arena called The Front Row Theater. Apparently, Cleveland was the rapper’s old stomping ground before he became a star rapper.

Additionally, he often flew out to Cleveland to visit his old friend Mike Tyson. Furthermore, Flav told Powers that Tyson had “80 acres of land and his own, personal gas station on-site.” Sounds like the legendary wrestler had it all. Clearly, Cleveland holds a lot of good memories for Flavor Flav.

Flavor Flav Loves The Browns

via The Independent

In addition to loving the people of Cleveland, Flavor Flav really loves the Cleveland Browns. Though, the main reason has nothing to do with actually supporting the football team. Flav explained to News 5’s Rob Powers that he’s friends with former Browns football player Jim Brown. He told the reporter that not only are they friends, but that Brown used to act as his mentor. Clearly, there’s plenty to love about the city for Flavor Flav.

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