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Gaming Goes Up Amid Covid-19

Well, Look At The Bright Side.

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed a lot of things. We have to stay in our house is more, our favorite bars and restaurants are closed, and wearing masks outside has become the public norm. But despite all of this there are some positives to come out of this top these hard times. Skies are clearing up, wildlife is returning to nature, and the gaming industry is through the roof.


It only makes sense since we people can’t go outside anymore. Video games were always a good past time especially for kids of this generation. So I makes sense that people will be using them more now while we’re waiting for this virus to pass over. War Games such as fortnight, Apex legends, and call of duty war zone have become big players in this since they allow cross compatibility between gaming platforms. And since the NBA suspended the season 2K tournaments have begun to start up.

It just makes you wonder if this will become the new norm when the virus is over with. We are slowly beginning to adapt to the new world and a way to entertain ourselves. Gaming has always been a prominent part of our world who is the say they won’t be at the forefront of the entertainment industry now. We can only wait and see what happens next and just hope that we get out of this jam soon.

What do you guys think about the game industry’s growth during all of this? Feel free to tell us your thoughts in the comment section below. Let us know what future concert you would like to see us cover. And as always, stay safe and have a good day.

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