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George Conway Wants His Wife’s Boss Impeached!

Although White House counselor Kellyanne Conway is still likely in celebration mode, after President Trump’s recent impeachment acquittal, her husband George Conway has suggested that the House should impeach Trump, AGAIN!!!

George Conway stated in a Washington Post opinion piece that it would be suitable to impeach Trump because firing two witnesses who testified against him during the House impeachment inquiry justifies a second impeachment.

On Friday. President Trump removed U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland and Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, from their positions.

However, on Monday, Kelly Conway disputed the idea that Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman and his brother, Yevgeney Vindman, were fired from their posts for providing testimony during the impeachment inquiry. Conway feels they were being reassigned because National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien was planning to trim down a “bloated staff” since he took over.

In a world where we are all entitled to our opinions. It is difficult to understand how two people so close, have a completely different narrative. The fact remains evident that one thing the Conways still have never agreed about is … PRESIDENT TRUMP!

What do you guys think about George Conway’s comments? Should the house try to impeach president trump again?

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