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George Floyd A Rapper? Ties To H-town and DJ Screw

George Floyd was known as Big Floyd when he used to run with DJ Screw and the Screwed Up Click.

He wasn’t a household name until the video of his death went viral, but George Floyd was more than just a victim.

So often, when a Black man dies at the hands of police, the media tries to paint the victim as a criminal. With Mike Brown, it was that he robbed a convenience store, Eric Garner was selling loosie’s, and now George Floyd. The first thing reports said about the incident was the man was the accusition of forgery. Every time it’s the same thing, he has committed a crime, resisted arrest, which resulted in his death.

There is the immediate attempt to diminish everything a person is into an accusation of petty crimes that in no way warrants death as punishment. However, the legacy of the lost is left to be told by people they loved and who loved them. For George Floyd, the outpour of love was instant from his family, friends like former NBA star Stephon Jackson and more. As more details emerge about Floyd, his legacy appears more influential than initially thought, as his part in hip-hop screwed up scene comes to light.

George Floyd was not just a victim; he as a father, a friend, an athlete; he was a person who didn’t deserve the death penalty for an accusation. The four officers involved in his murder have been fired, but we have seen this before as well. They deserve the same sentence they gave George Floyd without a judge or jury. They deserve to known as murders who killed an innocent man and abused their power. Furthermore, their legacy should be that of cowards and written by those they have hurt. Think that’s not fair, neither is George Floyd dying.

What do you guys think? Do the four officers deserve the death penalty? Or is that a barbaric sentence?

Lastly, let us know your thoughts in the comments.

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