Georgia to Release Recount Results This Week
Georgia, a newfound battleground state, remains in the spotlight. The pressure is on poll workers to release recounted vote numbers.
Georgia’s Recount Process
After states confirm their election results, the losing party can request a recount within two business days. This isn’t a surprise. Trump took back calls for lawsuits to be be brought forth in all the states he trailed in, starting on Election Day.
Gabriel Sterling, overseer of Georgia new voting system reported on the recount would take place.
“The recount will use scanners to read and tally votes, and counties will cover the cost,” said Sterling.
Who Calls The Shots?
Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger determined that a full hand was necessary. As a result of tight margin separating the candidates, the recount became significant. President-elect Biden led by 14,000 votes, but previously uncounted votes narrowed the margin. Now the difference between Biden and Trump is 12,800 votes.
Winner Declared in Georgia for President, Not Senate
Some media outlets wait until states fully declare a winner, but with a wide enough margin the leading candidate gets comfortable. Since Georgia has become a new blue state, Republican candidates and supporters are nervous about the future of the state’s leadership.
Although Georgia’s vote helped determine the election, Perdue and Loeffler face off with their Democrat opponents in run-off elections in January. The question is why Trump supporters are channeling their energy towards questioning the validity of the electoral system. Like Trump, they need to figure out a better strategy to defeat their opponents.
Democratic voters came out in record numbers in the 2020 election. The goal is for the same voters to exercise their vote again in January. On the other hand, Republican voters may stay home, complain and pout.