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Ghislaine Maxwell Indicted For Aiding Jeffrey Epstein

Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein’s confidant, and alleged handler was arrested by the FBI.

FBI arrested Ghislaine Maxwell on Thursday in New Hampshire. The longtime confidant of Jeffrey Epstein will face charges for her role in Sex abuse ring. Maxwell is facing six charges, including enticement of a minor to engage in illegal acts.

The chips are still falling in the Jeffrey Epstein case, as Ghislaine Maxwell is next to face prosecution.

“Today, after many years, Ghislaine Maxwell finally stands charged for her role in these crimes,” SDNY officials say during a presser. “Combatting the exploitation of children is a priority of our office”

— CBS News (@CBSNews) July 2, 2020

Although her name is in Lawsuits from women suing Epstein and his helpers for abuse. Ghislaine Maxwell says that she is innocent, and even called one accuser a liar for her accusations.

Prosecutors are painting another case though, they allege that the heiress and British socialite was the “primary recruiter”.

Per CNN. “Maxwell, along with Epstein, is accused by prosecutors of luring the young girls into their circle, inquiring about their schools and families, taking them to the movies, or shopping”. After getting the girls comfortable she would introduce sexual content which would lead to Epstein.

Ghislaine Maxwell’s prosecution will take place once she is brought to New York. Her former running mate Epstein hung himself inside a New York Prison. Thus, concluding that Maxwell will be under heavy watch is an easy assumption. It will be interesting to see how this case plays out as prosecutors have a fight on their hands. Epstein’s death, along with a “nonprosecution agreement with the federal authorities, is simply an additional factor.

Wealthy people like the Epsteins and Maxwell’s of the world have so much power even jail can be a breeze. Even more, though, cases like this can somehow just disappear.

Think about this… The Federal Prosecutors gave a pedophile a deal that gave immunity to his accomplices. If that doesn’t show how much privilege they have, nothing wil.

What do you guys think Of Ghislaine Maxwell or Jeffrey Epstein’s confidant arrest? Could she really be innocent?

Lastly, don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments.

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