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Hip-Hop Legend Eric-B Released From Prison!!

Hip-Hop Legend turned actor Eric-B Has Been Released from Prison!!

Eric Barrier, better now as Eric-B of the Hip-Hop duo Eric-B and Rakim is a Free Man. The rapper/actor was arrested Oct 28 in New Jersey for a 17-Year-Old Warrant. However, after serving two-weeks in Jail Barrier posted bail.Hip-Hop Legend Eric-B Released-1

The warrant was from a case dating back to 2002 in which Eric-B plead guilty. The charges, in that case, were aggravated assault and resisting arrest/eluding.  Despite pleading guilty Barrier never showed up to sentencing because his then-lawyer advised him not to.

As a result of missing his court date, a warrant was issued for his arrest. According to Eric-B’s new lawyer Patrick Toscano, this was due to his bad counsel from before. Paul Bergin was the rapper/actor’s lawyer at the time and told his client he didn’t have to show up to court.

Toscano has called this advice “flawed, fraudulent, unethical and deceptive”. Even more, the fact that Bergin is now serving six life sentences in a federal max prison probably helped Eric-B in this case. In 2013 Bergin was convicted for multiple charges including murder and racketeering.

Barringer was actually on tour when he turned himself in.

Eric-B and Rakim’s next tour date is Nov 22 in Delaware. Coincidently, that’s the same day Eric-B is due back in court in New Jersey.  In Addition to the tour, Eric Barrier has a regular role on CBS’s Show Blue Bloods.  On the show, he plays Detective Mike Gee, a friend of the shows main character Danny Rogan. No word yet on if his latest run-in with the cops will affect his role on the show. However, it will be funny to see if the show’s writers can somehow use this incident as inspiration.

What do you guys think about Eric-B’s 17-year-old warrant?

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