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How Rothschild Family Engineered the Creation of Israel – A Fake State Run by Evil Globalists?

The Rothschild family is a wealthy and influential family with a long history of financial success.They have a history of banking, philanthropy, and political involvement that spans over two centuries. But what is their connection to the creation of Israel? This controversial state in the Middle East has been at the center of decades of conflict and controversy. In this report, we will explore the historical claims surrounding the Rothschild family’s role in the establishment of Israel. We’ll separate fact from fiction and dispel some of the conspiracy theories that have emerged over the years.

The Rothschild Family: A Brief Introduction

The Rothschild family traces its origins to Mayer Amschel Rothschild, a Jewish banker and financier who lived in Frankfurt, Germany, in the 18th century. He established a banking business that expanded across Europe. His five sons established branches in London, Paris, Vienna, Naples, and Frankfurt. The Rothschilds became known for their financial acumen, political influence, and philanthropic endeavors. They supported various causes such as arts, education, science, and Jewish emancipation. The family also played a role in some of the major events of European history. These include the Napoleonic Wars, the Congress of Vienna, the Franco-Prussian War, and the First World War.

The Rothschilds have been the subject of admiration, envy, and criticism throughout their history. They have also been the target of various antisemitic conspiracy theories. These theories accuse them of manipulating world events, controlling governments, and being part of a secret cabal of global elites. Some theories also link the Rothschilds to the creation of Israel. They allege that the Rothschilds engineered the state as part of their plan to dominate the world and exploit the resources of the Middle East.

The Rothschild Family and the Creation of Israel: The Claims

The claims that the Rothschild family played a significant role in the creation of Israel are based on two main sources. These are a video interview with Jacob Rothschild, the current head of the family, and an article by Lord Rothschild, a cousin of Jacob. Lord Rothschild is a prominent British financier and philanthropist.

In the video interview, which was recorded in 2014 and released in 2017, Jacob Rothschild discusses the history of his family and their involvement in Israel. He says that his ancestors “had a great deal to do with the creation of Israel” and that they were “at the heart of what happened”. He also shows a copy of the Balfour Declaration, a document that he says is “incredibly important” and that is kept at the family’s estate in England.

In his 2017 article commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, Lord Rothschild recounts his family’s role in the establishment of Israel. During World War I, the British government issued a public statement known as the Balfour Declaration. This statement declared support for the establishment of a “national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine.

Interestingly, the declaration was addressed to my great uncle Walter, who was the second Lord Rothschild. Walter had been deeply involved in the Zionist movement and was introduced to Chaim Weizmann, the leader of the movement and the future first president of Israel, through his sister-in-law Rozika. After the Declaration, Weizmann wrote to Walter:

“May I offer you our heartiest thanks in making this possible — I am sure that when the history of this time will be written it will be justifiably said that the name of the greatest House in Jewry was associated with the granting of the Magna Carta of Jewish liberties…”

Lord Rothschild also mentions another branch of the family that played a significant role in the years prior to the Declaration. Baron Edmond de Rothschild, a French banker and philanthropist, was deeply involved in resettling Jews in Palestine. This was following the dreadful pogroms of the 1880s in Russia. He was moved to support the early settlers by a number of factors, such as the increasing antisemitism and violence in the Pale of Settlement. This made a refuge for Jews from pogroms and persecution imperative. But he was looking for more than a refuge. Above all he was inspired by the vision of the rebirth of the Jewish spirit in its ancient land.

The Rothschild Family and the Creation of Israel: The Context

To understand the claims made by Jacob Rothschild and Lord Rothschild, it is necessary to examine the historical context in which they occurred. The creation of Israel was not a simple or straightforward process, but a complex and contested one that involved multiple actors, factors, and events.

The Balfour Declaration was one of the key events that shaped the course of history. It was issued on November 2, 1917, by Arthur Balfour, the British foreign secretary, to Walter Rothschild, a prominent British Zionist and a member of the Rothschild family. The Declaration stated:

His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.

The Balfour Declaration was a result of several factors, such as the British strategic interests in the Middle East, the sympathy for the Zionist cause among some British politicians and public figures, the lobbying efforts of Chaim Weizmann and other Zionist leaders, and the influence of the Rothschild family. The Declaration was not a legally binding document, but a statement of policy expressing the British government’s support for Zionist aspirations. It was also not a unilateral decision, but a product of consultation and negotiation with other Allied powers, such as France, Italy, and the United States, as well as with representatives of the Arab and Jewish communities in Palestine.

The Balfour Declaration was a significant milestone for the Zionist movement, as it gave them international recognition and legitimacy, and encouraged more Jewish immigration and settlement in Palestine. However, it also created a lot of controversy and opposition, as it contradicted the promises made by the British to the Arabs during the war, and violated the rights and interests of the indigenous Palestinian population, who constituted the majority of the inhabitants of the land. The Declaration also faced criticism from some Jewish groups, who rejected the idea of a national home or a state for the Jews, and preferred to assimilate in their countries of residence.

Another key event that influenced the creation of Israel was the role of Baron Edmond de Rothschild, who was known as the “Father of the Yishuv”, the term for the Jewish community in Palestine before the establishment of Israel. Edmond de Rothschild was a wealthy and influential French banker and philanthropist, who was also a supporter of the Zionist cause. He began to finance and sponsor Jewish immigration and settlement in Palestine in the 1880s, after he was approached by a group of Jewish refugees from Russia, who had fled the pogroms and persecution in their homeland. Edmond de Rothschild bought land, established agricultural colonies, built schools, hospitals, and factories, and provided loans and grants to the settlers. He also hired experts and advisers to help the settlers with farming, irrigation, and industry. He invested millions of francs in the development of the Yishuv, and by the time of his death in 1934, he had supported the establishment of more than 40 settlements, and helped more than 50,000 Jews to resettle in Palestine.

Edmond de Rothschild’s role in the creation of Israel was not without challenges and difficulties. He faced resistance and criticism from some of the settlers. They resented his paternalism and interference in their affairs, and wanted more autonomy and self-reliance. He also faced opposition and hostility from some of the Arab landlords, peasants, and workers. They felt threatened and displaced by the Jewish presence and activity in the land. He also had to deal with the changing political and diplomatic situation in the region. The Ottoman Empire, which ruled over Palestine, collapsed after World War I. The British Mandate took over the administration of the territory. Edmond de Rothschild had to negotiate and cooperate with the British authorities. They had their own interests and policies regarding Palestine. Sometimes, they restricted or regulated the Jewish immigration and settlement.

The Rothschild Family and the Creation of Israel: The Facts

Based on the historical context, it is clear that the Rothschild family had a significant role in the creation of Israel, but not in the way that some conspiracy theories suggest. The Rothschilds did not engineer or control the establishment of Israel, but they contributed to it through their financial, political, and philanthropic involvement. They did not act alone or in secret, but in collaboration and consultation with other parties, such as the British government, the Zionist movement, and the Jewish community. They did not have a sinister or selfish motive, but a genuine and humanitarian one, as they were moved by the plight and aspirations of the Jewish people, and by their own sense of identity and heritage.

The facts also show that the Rothschild family’s role in the creation of Israel was not the only or the decisive factor, but one of the many factors that influenced the outcome. The creation of Israel was also shaped by the historical events and circumstances, such as the World Wars, the Holocaust, the Arab-Israeli conflict, the United Nations Partition Plan, and the Declaration of Independence. The creation of Israel was also affected by the actions and reactions of other actors, such as the Arab states, the Palestinian people, the United States, the Soviet Union, and the international community. The creation of Israel was also a result of the vision and determination of the founders of the state, such as David Ben-Gurion, Chaim Weizmann, Golda Meir, and others.

The Rothschild Family and the Creation of Israel: The Conspiracy Theories

Despite the facts, many conspiracy theories still circulate around the internet and the media. These theories claim that the Rothschild family engineered and controls the creation of Israel. They also claim that Israel is a fake state run by evil globalists. These conspiracy theories are based on distorted, exaggerated, or fabricated information. They often rely on antisemitic stereotypes and prejudices.

Some of the common conspiracy theories are:

  • The Rothschilds own and control Israel, and use it as their private base to manipulate world events and dominate the world economy.
  • The Rothschilds orchestrated the World Wars, the Holocaust, and the Arab-Israeli conflict, to create chaos and instability, and to advance their agenda of creating Israel and expanding their power.
  • The Rothschilds are part of a secret society of global elites, such as the Illuminati, the Freemasons, or the Bilderberg Group, that conspire to create a New World Order, a one-world government, and a one-world religion, under their rule.
  • The Rothschilds are not really Jews, but impostors who pretend to be Jews, and who are actually Satanists, reptilians, or aliens, who seek to destroy the true Jewish people and the true Israel.

These conspiracy theories are not only false and baseless, but also dangerous and harmful, as they spread misinformation, hatred, and violence, and fuel antisemitism, racism, and extremism. They also ignore and deny the reality and legitimacy of Israel, as a sovereign state and a homeland for the Jewish people, and the rights and interests of the Palestinian people, as a native population and a national group.

The Rothschild Family and the Creation of Israel: The Conclusion

The Rothschild family is remarkable and influential. They have a history of banking, philanthropy, and political involvement that spans over two centuries. The family had a significant role in the creation of Israel, but not in the way that some conspiracy theories suggest. The Rothschilds did not engineer or control the establishment of Israel. But, they contributed to it through their financial, political, and philanthropic involvement. They did not act alone or in secret. They worked in collaboration and consultation with other parties, such as the British government, the Zionist movement, and the Jewish community. They did not have a sinister or selfish motive. Instead, they had a genuine and humanitarian one. They were moved by the plight and aspirations of the Jewish people, and by their own sense of identity and heritage.

The creation of Israel was not a simple or straightforward process. It was complex and contested. It involved multiple actors, factors, and events. The historical events and circumstances shaped the creation of Israel. These included the World Wars, the Holocaust, the Arab-Israeli conflict, the United Nations Partition Plan, and the Declaration of Independence. Actions and reactions of other actors also affected the creation of Israel. These actors included the Arab states, the Palestinian people, the United States, the Soviet Union, and the international community. The creation of Israel was also a result of the vision and determination of the founders of the state. These founders included David Ben-Gurion, Chaim Weizmann, Golda Meir, and others.

The Rothschild family’s role in the creation of Israel is a fascinating and important topic. It deserves to be explored and understood, based on the facts and the context. We should not base our understanding on conspiracy theories and prejudices. The Rothschild family’s role in the creation of Israel is a part of the history and the reality of Israel. It is a sovereign state and a homeland for the Jewish people. It is also part of the Middle East, a region of conflict and coexistence. The Rothschild family’s role in the creation of Israel is also a part of the history and the reality of the world. It is a global community of diverse and interconnected nations, cultures, and peoples.

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