Dating is difficult as it is, but now living in a technology driven age, the whole dating game has changed completely. Now it all starts virtually, which may or may not make things harder. These days, your persistence towards a person of interest may come across as “stalkerish” or thirsty. It’s hard to tell the difference online, but no worries. Alessandra Conti, celebrity matchmaker and co-founder of Matchmakers In The City, has your back. In an interview with UPROXX, she gives a list of advice on how to score a summer bae. Here are 3 of my favorite Conti tips:
Don’t be too physical on the first date.
Now I am not the one to judge anybody on what they do on their first encounter. If that’s what you want to do, go for it..but I think anyone will agree that when somebody is immediately being overly aggressive and sexual, that’s a red flag. Conti states even if you are just an overly affectionate person, your actions could be interpreted differently. It’s best to just keep it simple until you know for sure it’s cool with the other person.
Don’t overthink the date.
Do not feel pressured to go over the top on the first date. Conti stresses to save the big gestures for later on. It’s important to feel out the person you are trying to pursue first and see what they like and what they don’t. Keep it casual and the expectations low.
Fellas: unsolicited pics of your junk…big no no.
“I don’t get why they send them,” Conti says,”it’s totally disgusting. Maybe it works for one out of 200 women, but it’s totally wrong.” I agree. 9/10 we didn’t ask for it. If a woman does ask for it, cool. Do your thing. But I would highly suggest not doing it unless it was requested. It’s not going to win anybody over.
Fore more tips and to check out the full interview, visit here.