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Ice Cube Declines Zoom Meeting with Kamala Harris

It’s a sad day in hip hop history. Recently Rapper Ice Cube made headlines after it was revealed that he had a meeting with the Trump administration. After receiving major backlash, The N.W.A. star spoke with Chris Cuomo at CNN to set the record straight.

In the interview, he made it clear that met with the Trump team to address his issues surrounding racial inequality.  He continued to say that the Biden campaign agreed to speak after the election and the other agreed to talk to him immediately.

This week, Ice cube did another interview with Claudia Jordan from Fox Soul in which he was asked Kamala Harris. Recently The potential Democratic VP invited Ice Cube to participate on a Zoom call alongside other notable names including; D.L. Hughley, Snoop Dogg and Killer Mike. He declined to participate telling Jordan that he didn’t think it would be productive.

“We spent a lot of time putting the Contract with Black America together, and I just thought that getting on a Zoom call with 12 other entertainers all talking about what needs to be done, wasn’t constructive.”

Nonetheless, the real question on everyone’s brain is, who will Ice Cube be voting for? According to the hip-hop artist, he has never met with Trump personally and is not trusting either the president or Joe Biden’s campaign.  As the old saying goes, “actions speak louder than words.”

“I’m not playing no more of these political games, we’re not part of a team … so I’m going to whoever’s in power and I’m going to speak to them about our problems, specifically.”

In July of this year, Ice cube revealed his version of a 13-part plan. In this plan, Ice Cube included police and prison reform and interest-free loans for homeownership.

Ironically in 2016, the rapper denounced, but for some reason, things have taken a turn. Ice Cube would like to see change regardless of which administration is in the white house.

What do you think about Ice Cube’s decision to meet with the Trump administration? Is he turning his back on black America? Tell us your thoughts below.

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