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    Jacksonville Man Awakened from Coma Dies in Hit-and-Run on Birthday

    Friday morning, July 27, 2024, at about 5:30 a.m., Drew Kohn was struck by a pickup truck traveling down Collins Road in Jacksonville, Florida. The driver of the pickup truck stopped to call 911, but he was pronounced dead at the scene. It was a tragic outcome for a man whose chances of ever waking up seemed hopeless after spending 244 days in a coma; now, Drew has passed away on his 30th birthday.

    Drew’s is one of incredible resiliency and hope. In July 2017, just before his 23rd birthday, Drew got involved in an awful motorcycle accident that left him with life-threatening injuries: a TBI, impaled lungs, and multiple fractures and the doctors said he was clinically brain dead—nothing could motivate him to walk or talk again. However, his mother, Yolanda Osborne-Kohn, never gave up hope and held on to her faith to see her through those agonizing times.

    It was a miracle when Drew woke up from his coma in March of 2018. The first words he spoke were to his mother, “I love you, Mom.” At that moment, Drew began the long, difficult journey of rehabilitation. He faced the challenges of relearning basic skills: how to walk and how to talk. He stood up to each one with determination and the will not to yield. To so many today, his recovery stands as a marvelous testament to human perseverance and hope.

    Drew Kohn 244-day coma survivor hit by truck incident
    Drew Kohn and Yolanda

    In an interview in 2020, Drew referred to himself as “a modern-day miracle.” He wanted his story to inspire others and bring glory to God: “All things are possible when God is in it.”

    Given all his struggles, Drew’s recovery inspired multitudes of people. He spent many hours helping others suffering from traumas and traumatic brain injuries. His story became hopeful—it gives proof that somewhere amidst the start of darkest times, there is always light.

    On the morning of July 27, 2024, Drew was walking along Collins Road in Jacksonville when he was struck by a Ford pickup truck. The visibility was poor with the darkness; furthermore, he had no reflective material. The driver did not see him but stopped immediately and called 911. Despite efforts from the Jacksonville Fire and Rescue team, Drew was pronounced dead at the scene.

    The pickup truck driver stuck around, no one else was involved, said the report. Investigating on scene was the traffic homicide detectives and the medical examiner’s office.

    Many within the community are in shock and saddened by the tragic accident he had on his birthday. Drew’s mother, Yolanda, has expressed a profound sense of gratitude and peace in the wake of her son’s passing. ”I’m not angry. I’m at peace. God answered my prayers, and Drew recovered miraculously, giving me seven more years with him,” she said. She takes comfort knowing that Drew is finally healed and no longer in pain. This lady imagines him walking without a problem in heaven, holding a football in one hand and his Bible in the other.

    Drew Kohn's death after coma news and updates
    via-social media

    A GoFundMe page is set up to help the family with funeral expenses, which had raised nearly $8,000 by Monday morning. Yolanda finds solace in her faith and treasured memories of time with Drew that help her bear the immense pain of losing her son.

    Yolanda reflected on her son’s new life beyond, saying, “Drew is healed. Walks. He’s not struggling to stay upright.” Drawing from her words was a poignant reminder that defined the strength and resilience that characterized Drew’s life.

    Drew became the symbol of hope and perseverance within the Jacksonville community. His story will live to engage generations that will face impossible odds. Drew Kohn’s legacy was one of courage, faith, and the incredible capacity of the human soul.


    1. Thank you for keeping my son’s story alive. Unfortunately, your story states he was killed on his birthday and that is inaccurate. He died on July 27, 2024 and his birthday August 2nd, he would have been 30 years old. My name is Yolanda Osborne-Kohn, I’m Drew’s mother. If you would like additional information regarding the facts of this ongoing traffic homicide please reach out. Thanks again for keeping his legacy alive!

      • Hi Yolanda Osborne,
        Thanks for reaching out to us. We have made some edits, and it would be great If you would share additional information regarding this ongoing traffic homicide and if that’s worthy enough we will cover another news as well. Send the info to :[email protected]

    2. Thank you for keeping my son’s story alive. Unfortunately, your story states he was killed on his birthday and that is inaccurate. He died on July 27, 2024 and his birthday August 2nd, he would have been 30 years old. My name is Yolanda Osborne-Kohn, I’m Drew’s mother.

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