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Jessie J Announces Miscarriage: ‘There Was No Longer A Heartbeat’

Jessie J Announces Heartbreaking News

On Wednesday, Nov. 24, singer Jessie J announced to the world her recent miscarriage.

Just hours before her show in Los Angeles, the singer had posted on Instagram that’s now taken down about the miscarriage. The words were tough to read; however, Jessie J trusted her fans enough and opened up.

An Instagram post by The Shade Room.

“But seriously, how am I going to perform at my gig in LA tomorrow without announcing to the entire audience that I’m pregnant?” she writes. “By yesterday afternoon, I was already dreading the idea of getting through the performance without breaking down.”

She shared that, “After going for my 3rd scan and being told there was no longer a heartbeat.”

 “Feels Safer”

The English songwriter shared with fans that she would still sing for Wednesday’s show and that it “feels safer” to share the news on social media than trying to explain it onstage. Jessie J realized what has happened to her has happened to many women and that she is not alone in her experience.

“I chose to become a mother on my own,” she explains. “It’s been my lifelong dream, and life is too fleeting. Becoming pregnant was a miraculous event and a memorable experience that I am certain will happen again.” I also know millions of women around the world have felt this pain and way worse.”

Fans later expressed support for the “Bang Bang” artist on social media. The artist discussed the heartbreaking miscarriage at her show, and video clips shared by fans online showed a side of Jessie J that many had not seen. Many applauded her for her vulnerability onstage.

She added, “But I know I am strong, and I know I will be okay.”

Jessie J Will Continue Her Shows

Words can only describe what the 33-year-old pop artist is going through, but one thing that’s for sure, she is not quitting what she loves and is genuinely doing what’s best for her. Even those that never fully blossom bring beauty into the world.

Jessie J is set to perform again at the Hotel Café in Los Angeles on Dec. 1.

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