Joe Biden to reunite migrant children and their families
Presidential candidate Joe Biden stands firmly on his decision to reunite migrant families. His pledge is present on an ad in several battleground states. These states include Pennsylvania and North Carolina.
Both candidates Joe Biden and Donald Trump are pulling out all the stops now. With only a few days to the election, digs are less likely to stick than campaign promises.
Biden’s tender heart and stark leadership
The former vice president also spoke about the horrors of children’s separations from their families. Kids need their parents to grow and develop properly. At the final presidential debate, Biden spoke about the lack of action Trump’s administration took. He feels terrible about the current situation at the border. Nearly 550 kids are alone with no idea where their parents are.
Biden said, “Their kids were taken away, and now they can’t find over 500 of those parents. The kids are alone with nowhere to go. It’s criminal.”
In short, Biden’s immigration plans include better treatment of families seeking a pathway to citizenship. Most families aren’t criminals. They like Americans, want a better life for themselves and their families.
Reconnecting migrant families
According to a filing by the Justice Department and the ACLU, efforts to find the parents have been difficult. On one hand, putting families back together is the right, humanitarian thing to do. On the other hand, reuniting families with limited lines of communication can be challenging.
Regardless of how hard the task is, Biden shares his commitment to reunite all 545 immigrant children with their families. In fact, Biden to reunite them swiftly.
On day 1, he will sign an executive order to reconnect families that were torn apart back in 2017 and 2018. It’s time to make sure migrant families are safe.